Reno Reins

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|      color = Command
|  firstname = Reno Connavar cha'Groul
|    lastname = Reins
|      image = [[Image:‎Reno.jpg]]
|    caption = Reno in [[2400]]
|    species = Human-Romulan Hybrid
|  homeworld = ch'Rihan
|  ethnicity =
|      gender = Male
|        born = Dec 27th 2376
|        eyes = Black
|        hair = Black
|      height = 6'2''
|      weight = 144lbs
| affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]
|  assignment = Battle Carrier Ark Royal
|    position = Strategic Operations
|        rank = Civilian
|    insignia =
|firstmention =
| firstappear =
|  lastappear =
|      player = Reno
|      status =
|    status2 = Inactive
|        im2 =
|    caption2 =
Ain't it pretteh?
Reno Reins, born from the union of a Romulan female and Human male, lived an isolated life capitalised by fear and destruction.<br>
His father was alledgedly a Starfleet officer, posted across from the Officer Exchange Program, who was returned at the end of the contract, while his mother died in childbirth. As a result, he was placed in an orphanage and was trained to be a soldier, as was often the case with the unwanted children.<br>
At the age of 8, he watched as the skies lit up with the flashes of starships entering warp as they tried in vain to save Sharona. Two years later, there was many more flashes in the night sky.<br>
The battle for Romulus had started in earnest. The streets were filled with the screams of those that were deemed unworthy for assimilation and summarily executed. While chaos reigned supreme, the Tal'Prai'ex held the last bastions of sanity in the city, and the few lucky civilians behind their defensive line watched in horror as the Borg rampaged through the rest of the urban sprawl.<br>
A civilian employee of SFHQ, Reno has been assigned to the [[USS Ark Royal]] on a temporary basis by Fleet Command, until someone more fitting for the task is found.<br>
The exact reason for this assignment is unknown, however the official line is that it is due to a lack of officer candidates currently in SFA.
==Previous Deployments==
2392 - Rihannsu Defense Force<br>
2398 - Battle of Sol
==Strictly OOC==
Reno is a clone of the original Reno Reins, a Colonel.<br>
Initially, Reno was a Tal'Shiar agent for 8 years, before being promoted to the Tal'Prai'ex, where he operated as one of a group of 'problem-solvers' for the Senate, often performing morally questionable (even by Romulan standards) actions with legal immunity.<br>
He was transferred to Starfleet, as part of the Officer Exchange Program, and based aboard the USS Renown (NCC-235900) before being transferred to the USS Minneapolis, where he stayed for several years, through the destruction of the USS Minneapolis, USS Minneapolis-A and USS Minneapolis-B, until the USS Minneapolis-C and her crew were attached to Deep Space 7.<br>
While he was based at DS7, Reno was recalled to the Tal'Prai'ex, and subsequently turned against his former masters, and only escaping thanks to his brother Elias, whom he had mortally wounded.<br>
Shortly after this, he was promoted to the position of Task Force Marine Commanding Officer, and took a position aboard Starbase Camelot, as the Strategic Operations Officer for the region.<br>
After the loss of Starbase Camelot, Reins drifted through the fleet, never staying in one place for too long, for fear of reprisals from his former employers.<br>
At the outbreak of the war, Starfleet Medical had a vast resource of DNA at it's disposal, and certain elements within SFM had been interested in gene-splicing, using these resources as their benchmarks.<br>
At the time, Reins was at Serenity Base, reprising his role as Strategic Operations Officer, until it came under attack and the CIC was rapidly de-pressurised. Months later, the first 'artifical organism' based off Reno's DNA was released, indentured into military servitude and taking the place of the original.<br>
It is believed that many high-ranking officers, and respected civilians, were 'cloned' in this way, however in the chaos that ensued, exact records have been lost. It is now unknown if all the clones have been released into the public, whether or not the gestation experiments have ceased, or even if there are still hidden labs filled with row upon row of glorified fishtanks with humanoid bodies slumbering inside.

Latest revision as of 12:35, 3 October 2011

Reno Connavar cha'Groul Reins
Reno in 2400

Human-Romulan Hybrid






Dec 27th 2376










United Federation of Planets


Battle Carrier Ark Royal


Strategic Operations





[ Source ]


Reno Reins, born from the union of a Romulan female and Human male, lived an isolated life capitalised by fear and destruction.
His father was alledgedly a Starfleet officer, posted across from the Officer Exchange Program, who was returned at the end of the contract, while his mother died in childbirth. As a result, he was placed in an orphanage and was trained to be a soldier, as was often the case with the unwanted children.
At the age of 8, he watched as the skies lit up with the flashes of starships entering warp as they tried in vain to save Sharona. Two years later, there was many more flashes in the night sky.
The battle for Romulus had started in earnest. The streets were filled with the screams of those that were deemed unworthy for assimilation and summarily executed. While chaos reigned supreme, the Tal'Prai'ex held the last bastions of sanity in the city, and the few lucky civilians behind their defensive line watched in horror as the Borg rampaged through the rest of the urban sprawl.

A civilian employee of SFHQ, Reno has been assigned to the USS Ark Royal on a temporary basis by Fleet Command, until someone more fitting for the task is found.
The exact reason for this assignment is unknown, however the official line is that it is due to a lack of officer candidates currently in SFA.

Previous Deployments

2392 - Rihannsu Defense Force
2398 - Battle of Sol

Strictly OOC

Reno is a clone of the original Reno Reins, a Colonel.
Initially, Reno was a Tal'Shiar agent for 8 years, before being promoted to the Tal'Prai'ex, where he operated as one of a group of 'problem-solvers' for the Senate, often performing morally questionable (even by Romulan standards) actions with legal immunity.
He was transferred to Starfleet, as part of the Officer Exchange Program, and based aboard the USS Renown (NCC-235900) before being transferred to the USS Minneapolis, where he stayed for several years, through the destruction of the USS Minneapolis, USS Minneapolis-A and USS Minneapolis-B, until the USS Minneapolis-C and her crew were attached to Deep Space 7.
While he was based at DS7, Reno was recalled to the Tal'Prai'ex, and subsequently turned against his former masters, and only escaping thanks to his brother Elias, whom he had mortally wounded.

Shortly after this, he was promoted to the position of Task Force Marine Commanding Officer, and took a position aboard Starbase Camelot, as the Strategic Operations Officer for the region.
After the loss of Starbase Camelot, Reins drifted through the fleet, never staying in one place for too long, for fear of reprisals from his former employers.
At the outbreak of the war, Starfleet Medical had a vast resource of DNA at it's disposal, and certain elements within SFM had been interested in gene-splicing, using these resources as their benchmarks.
At the time, Reins was at Serenity Base, reprising his role as Strategic Operations Officer, until it came under attack and the CIC was rapidly de-pressurised. Months later, the first 'artifical organism' based off Reno's DNA was released, indentured into military servitude and taking the place of the original.
It is believed that many high-ranking officers, and respected civilians, were 'cloned' in this way, however in the chaos that ensued, exact records have been lost. It is now unknown if all the clones have been released into the public, whether or not the gestation experiments have ceased, or even if there are still hidden labs filled with row upon row of glorified fishtanks with humanoid bodies slumbering inside.

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