Darren Kestler

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The Captain ordered all hands to the escape pods. Darren was one of the lucky ones who got to a pod. It landed on Earth and was one of only a handful of pods to land on Earth. Many others were either picked up by ships or destroyed. He was stationed on Earth for the remainder of 2398. Early 2399 he was assigned to XO of the USS Sabre. The Sabre was mainly on sentry duty within the Sol system.
The Captain ordered all hands to the escape pods. Darren was one of the lucky ones who got to a pod. It landed on Earth and was one of only a handful of pods to land on Earth. Many others were either picked up by ships or destroyed. He was stationed on Earth for the remainder of 2398. Early 2399 he was assigned to XO of the USS Sabre. The Sabre was mainly on sentry duty within the Sol system.
About a year later Darren then decided, after seeing so much destruction decided he would help those that had their homes destroyed, in memory of his Brother. He left Starfleet and helped with the refugee problem that Earth now had. He worked in several 'hostels' which were full of humans and aliens alike. He did that till about 2403. He realised how muc he missed Starfleet. He re-applied to Starfleet. He has subsequently been given command of the USS Stargazer, a [http://www.fehq.org.uk/infobase/index.php/Sovereign_Class Sovereign] class starship.
About a year later Darren then decided, after seeing so much destruction decided he would help those that had their homes destroyed, in memory of his Brother. He left Starfleet and helped with the refugee problem that Earth now had. He worked in several 'hostels' which were full of humans and aliens alike. He did that till about 2403. He realised how muc he missed Starfleet. He re-applied to Starfleet. He has subsequently been given command of the USS Stargazer, a [[Sovereign]] class starship.

Revision as of 16:32, 2 August 2005

Place of Birth: Liverpool, United Kingdom, Earth Marital Status: Single Family: Father: Jonathon Kestler (Deceased) Mother: Rebecca Kestler (Deceased) Brother: David Kestler (Deceased) Interests: Reading, Height: 6’1� Weight: 190 lbs. Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Light Brown

Decorations/ Reprimands:

  • Silver Star (2395)
  • Earth Defence Service Medal (2398)


  • 2376 – 2379: Starfleet Academy ; Officer Candidate (Cadet)
  • 2379 – 2380: USS Cromwell; Operations Officer (Ensign)
  • Early 2380: Left Starfleet
  • 2380 – 2385: Moved to QonoS to stay with his brother.
  • 2385 : Came back to Earth on the Klingon Convoy in April
  • 2386 : Applied to rejoin Starfleet.
  • 2387 – 2389: USS Reprisal; Operations Officer (Ensign)
  • 2387 – 2391: USS Repisal; Chief Operations Officer, Second Officer (Lieutenant)
  • 2391 – 2395: USS Reprisal; Executive Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
  • Late 2395: Seriously injured. In a coma for 2 months.
  • 2395 – 2397: Lots of rehabilitation
  • 2397 – 2398: Re-instated USS Reprisal; Executive Officer(Lieutenant Commander)
  • 2398: USS Reprisal Destroyed. Darren left Starfleet
  • 2399 – 2401: USS Sabre; Executive Officer
  • 2401 – 2402: Left Starfleet to help with civilian relief efforts
  • 2402 – Early 2403: Applied to rejoin Starfleet.
  • 2403 – Present: USS Stargazer; Commanding Officer(Lieutenant Commander)

Darren is of a normal build. He often likes to do weight lifting, but does not have a very muscular frame. He has a scar that can not be removed at the base of his spine. This is where he had surgery after the USS Reprisal was destroyed. He walks very upright, and it not often seen slouching. Biography

Darren was born on July 9 2356. He was the first of 2 children to Rebecca and Jonathon Kestler. s a child he was very active. By he time he 3 he had broken his arm twice. His Brother, David, was born when Darren was still 2. Then in 2361,when he was 5, something would shape his future. His parents were skiing when there was an awesome avalanche. They, along with 17 others were killed that day. Darren and his brother David were taken into care till thy were around Darren was 18 and David was 16. David then went to stay with grandparents and Darren looked for work. After around 2 years, Darren decided he wanted to join Starfleet.

He joined Starfleet Academy in 2376. In his first year he was reprimanded for starting a fight in a lessen. The rest of the academy went without incident. He eventually graduated the academy in 2379. His first posting was aboard the USS Cromwell. He was an Ensign and an operations officer. He stayed there till late-2380, until he left Starfleet. He was starting to not believe in many of the principles Starfleet was bringing in. He got into an argument with the commandingofficer of the Cromwell. Instead of awaiting a court-martial he chose to resign from Starfleet. He headed back to Earth on a passenger transport. When he got back to Earth he found a job at a news service. This was a civilian news service. He stayed there for around 6 months.

After 6 months he headed for QonoS, the Klingon homeworld. His brother David had married a Klingon woman about 3 years before hand. Unlike his brother, David did not join Starfleet. He had married a Klingon called SeS'IH, of the House of D'tlhar. Together they had 2 children Jonathon, after his father, and Eric. When Darren arrived he was under the impression he wanted to stay for a couple of weeks. He ended up staying there for a number of years. In 2381 he heard that the Borg had began to attack. He decided he would be safer on QonoS for the time being. When the Klingon station and planet of Klach D'kel Brakt was destroyed, and assimilated Darren thought it was actually safer to go back to Earth.

He managed to get pasage on one of the ships heading to Earth to build up Earths defences. His brother headed back to Earth with him and his children Jonathon and Eric. SeS'IH stayed behind with her family in preparation for the Borg to attack QonoS, which at the time was inevitable. In 2386 he found out that SeS'IH, David's wife had been killed. David was distraught. He headed back to QonoS with his children. Darren, seeing his brothers pain and suffering made him want to get back into Starfleet.

He re-applied to Starfleet in late 2386. Starfleet were at first hesitant to re-instate him, due to the way he left Starfleet in the first place. Eventually after around a month of pleading, and due to the lack of officers within Starfleet he was accepted. He was given the title of Ensign and he was an Operations officer aboard the USS Reprisal. He was on the Reprisal for a number of years. He was promoted to Lietentnent around 2387 and also given the position of Second Officer and Chief Operations Officer.

Then in lte 2388 contact was lost with QonoS. Darren feared the worst. When Starfleet ordered several ships to try and find out what happened to QonoS, Darren was hopeful that they might find people alive, but mainly Darren hoped to find his brother David alive. On route to QonoS the task group came under attack by a Borg Tactical cube. The cube was destroyed but at a cost. The USS Peacemaker, USS Searcher, and USS Midway were destroyed and out of the 5 ships, only the USS Reprisal and the USS Pegasus B returned to Earth.

He was still on the USS Reprisal in 2391. Around mid-2391 the Reprisal was involved in a battle with a Borg sphere. The Captain of the Reprisal, Captain Abraham Conrad was killed. The XO, Lee Walsey took command of the ship and made Darren his XO. When the Sphere was destroyed the Reprisal went back to Earth. Commander Lee Walsey was promoted to Captain, and Darren Kestler was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and they were made Captain and XO of the USS Reprisal.

Pretty much nothing hppened to the USS Reprisal for the next few years, other than skirmishes with the Borg. In on particularly nasty attack in 2395 Darren was severely injured. Most of the Reprisal was made in habitably, including Sickbay. This meant Darren, for a time at least, was untreated. He went into a coma for 3 weeks. When he came round, he found out that he was paralysed. For the next two years he was receiving therapy and learning to live again. The paralysis was eventually removed through a series of extremely complex medical procedures.

Eventually in 2397 he was fit for active duty and returned to the Reprisal as XO. He remained Xo until 2398. It was the battle that would decide the victor to the war. 8000 ships in orbit of Earth. They were the last thing the Borg had to fight through to end the war. The Reprisal was one of the ships to engage the Borg first. From the XO chair and through the view screen Darren could see the ferociousness of the Borg. He saw ships he recognised be destroyed. He was almost phsically sick at the site of thousands being slaughtered. Eventually the USS Reprisal succumbed to the barrage of Borg weapons. The ship had been hit in the engineering section, and a warp core breach was in progress. The crew only had minutes to escape.

The Captain ordered all hands to the escape pods. Darren was one of the lucky ones who got to a pod. It landed on Earth and was one of only a handful of pods to land on Earth. Many others were either picked up by ships or destroyed. He was stationed on Earth for the remainder of 2398. Early 2399 he was assigned to XO of the USS Sabre. The Sabre was mainly on sentry duty within the Sol system.

About a year later Darren then decided, after seeing so much destruction decided he would help those that had their homes destroyed, in memory of his Brother. He left Starfleet and helped with the refugee problem that Earth now had. He worked in several 'hostels' which were full of humans and aliens alike. He did that till about 2403. He realised how muc he missed Starfleet. He re-applied to Starfleet. He has subsequently been given command of the USS Stargazer, a Sovereign class starship.

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