Torana Brown

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[[Category:Characters|Brown, Torana]]
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[[Category: A to Z|Brown, Torana]]

Latest revision as of 06:49, 20 July 2009

Name: Torana Brown

Rank: Lieutenant

Position:Assistant Chief Security Officer

Age: 24

Species: Human/Klingon

Height: 6ft 9in

Weight: 235lb

General Apperance:

Hair:- Long dark brown wavy reaches to mid back

Eye's:- Brownish black

Facial:- Prominant brow ridges, light brown skin, with a scar running from the middle of her top lip to the top of her ridges straight accross her left eye.

Build:- Large, muscular


Mother:- Jo-anna Brown

Father:- Unknown

Siblings:- None


She has a firery temper she is slow to anger unless someone insult her or her mother but when she does it is not pleasent to see. She will talk to just about anyone that takes the time to speak to her first, she is quiet at first around those she does not know but that soon wears off.

Torana is friendly, and easy going when off duty she also has a good sence of humour. She will go on the defensive if she thinks you are insulting her or those she cares about. When on duty she will not take any nonsence from anyone no matter thier rank or race and is upfront and direct when she feels she has to say something or is asked for her opinion.

If you earn her trust or friendship she will back you up against any odds and will never run from a fight. She is loyal to her commanding officer and ship but this does not automatically mean that they have her respect or trust, they have to be earnt as does her friendship.


Torana was born on Earth her mother Jo-anna Brown was a Civilian Specialist Assigned to the USS Intrepid, Her father is unknown to her all she knows is that he is a Klingon Warrior that her mother fell in love with during a Joint mission.

He returned to his home world and she refused to go with him as she had commitments of her own, she returned to Earth and never saw him again he does not know of Torana’s existance.

Her early life was spent traveling with her mother on her assignments so she was taught by her mother until she was old enough to join the acadamy. Her mother never told her anything about her father or their reasons for splitting.

She entered the acadamy as soon as she could and at first she trained to be a pilot but found she did not enjoy it after her first year she asked to be concidered for transfer to the security training programme and was accepted.

She then spent four years learning everything her tutors were able to teach her of Terran styles of combat she also managed to find one who agreed to train her in some Klingon styles. She learnt to speak a few languages whilst at the acadamy and still spends time learning new languages when her dutys allow it. At the moment she speaks Terran, klingon, Vulcan and some Romulan. At one time she had a Catian Mate but he died in action, they had been together for just under a year. She still misses him. She loves the Catian race and will one day find another one to be with, hopefully to eventually be her Mate.

Service Record:

First assignment:- USS Thunderchild as a security officer, Rank - Ensign. Period of service 1yr.

Second assignment:- 15mths at starfleet acadamy as part of thier security team, whilst she was there she trained as a field medic.

Third assignment:- USS Courageous as a security officer, Rank - Ensign with promotion to LTjg after 8mths also promoted to Assistant Chief of Security after 15mths along with promotion to full LT. Period of service 2yrs 9mths.

Court Marshalled for assulting a Superior Officer and attempted murder on the same Officer.

Found Guilty of assult and not guilty of attempted murder, she was incarserated for 3 months but was not reduced in rank and is currently awaiting reassignment.

Fourth/Current assignment:- USS Phoenix - Assistant Chief Sec/Tac officer. Rank - LT

Assult Report:

Torana had been drinking along with the other senior officers in the messhall, the Captain, Cmdr Agha Khan was also drinking heavily he made a pass at her and when she turned him down things started to go bad.

He started by insulting her because of her mixed blood which although it angered her she knew he was drunk so tried to control her anger, when this tactic did not work he started insulting her father this also had no effect on her as she did not know who he was. He was now starting to get annoyed because he could not anger her or upset her so he went down the only path left to him he insulted her mother.

At this point she grew angry and warned him to go no further with his line of attack or he would forever regret it. He did not listen and continued to insult her saying things that were not acceptable, accusing her mother of being of easy virtue amoung other things. Her temper overflowed and she punched him squarly in the jaw this sent him flying backwards across the room, when he stood he wiped the blood from his mouth and laughed.

She warned him again not to continue with his verbal assult as it would end badly for him. He just laughed again telling her that he knew what he said about her mother to be true as he had had her several times, it was the wrong thing to say. Her temper went to all out rage and she attacked him in earnest by the time the other officers managed to knock her out by hitting her 4 times with phasers set to maximum stun and pull him out from under her prone body he was unconsious and near death.

His injurys were as follows: Jaw fractured in 4 places and broken in 8, Nose virtually destroyed as the bone was completely shattered and needed to be totaly rebuilt, Skull fractured in 14 places caused by rebounding off the deck, Both cheek bones broken in several places, Ribs 4 broken and the rest fractured in several places, Left lung punctured in 2 places and 3 vertebra fractured.

The only reason she was not found not guilty of attempted murder was because her fellow Officers defended her by explaining how the Captain had continued to push her to violence even after being warned to stop and what what would happen if he did not.

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