Anna M'alese

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Line 15: Line 15:
|      weight = 106 lbs.
|      weight = 106 lbs.
| affiliation = [[Starfleet]]
| affiliation = [[Starfleet]]
|  assignment = [[USS Phoenix]]
|  assignment =  
|    position = Chief of Security
|    position =  
|        rank = Lieutenant
|        rank = Lieutenant
|    insignia =  
|    insignia =  
|firstmention =  
|firstmention = [[Star Trek: Phoenix]]
| firstappear = M 4 - Over the River and Through the Woods
| firstappear = M4 - Over the River and Through the Woods
|  lastappear =  
|  lastappear =  
|      player = Anna
|      player = Anna
|      status =
|      status =
|    status2 = Active
|    status2 = Inactive
|        im2 =  
|        im2 =  
|    caption2 =  
|    caption2 =  

Latest revision as of 16:56, 31 July 2013

Anna M'alese







December 17, 2382








106 lbs.





First Mentioned:

Star Trek: Phoenix

First Appearence:

M4 - Over the River and Through the Woods



[ Source ]


Physical Description

Anna is a furry little thing standing at about five feet one inch high and weighing only one hundred and six pounds. She has smooth black fine fur that mimics the appearance of skin. Her hair matches her coloring and is black as well however it is layered with two deep red X shaped marks just above her bangs. Her eyebrows are thin and dark against her tiny cat like face. She has two big ears that stick up out through her hair mimicking those of a feline. Anna is a Caitian after-all. Her height and weight not withstanding Anna has a very toned physical prowess to her much more so then many of her kind. She takes pristine care of her body to the point of morning and nightly exercise patterns. Lastly she has razor sharp claw-like nails at the tips of her fingers.

Personality & Traits

Anna is a survivor. She has a way about herself that informs all who meet her that she could take you through a Tholian battlegroup and back without much more than a scratch on her pretty little head. She never quite mentions what might happen to your head but that's another story. She is a scholarly defender at heart, a protector of those who are in need. She takes time to reflect on matters concerning races and planets who are suffering through troubled times and is never one to back away from a fight. That isn't to say that she goes out looking for bad things to happen to her. She gets involved is all. Anna is a two sided coin really. One side, the more dominant side, of her personality and self leans more towards adventure, righteous causes, self betterment, weapon training, and deathly fights. Her other side is what you might expect of her if you sat down beside her in the mess hall or ran into her on a holodeck. Her inward more personal side tends to be the kind hearted, soft eyed, padd smart, intelligent little one hundred and six pound Caitian who'd rather relax pool side studying up on the Ferengi language than picking blood off of her uniform. I guess one could say that is the side of her that would have been dominant if the worlds hadn't ended all around her in a twenty year war taking up almost her entire life in this plane of existence. But as that is the case, the war truly has shaped her into a person destiny wasn't prepared for. A child of war holding two sides deep within herself in a constant battle for supremacy.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Anna is only completely afraid of five things. In no particular order her fears revolve around the following five things. As most are concerned death is one's biggest fear and the one thing they will never be able to escape but Anna doesn't fear it in that way. She fears death in that she can only see it as a bleak never no more of unconscious nothingness surrounded without voice or thought or vision. Tholians. Yes she would gladly go into battle and wipe out as many of these little pests she could find... but at the same time if she saw one she'd probably jump, scream, shake and hiss before overcoming her fears of this godly legged creatures and cutting them into bugs. Borg. Not much else needs to be said about that fear, obviously. Cats. Don't laugh. Those little things freak her out. They are like little versions of her who can't talk or walk on two feet much less find a litter-box on their own. Lastly she'd have to say the thought of never having a pride of little ones to carry on after her ranks up their as well.

Her biggest strengths would have to be her ability to face a problem head on without backing down. She enjoys planning, strategy, combat, victory, and she can handle herself quite well in all sorts of physical confrontations. On the flip side she is very intelligent in terms of the worlds around her. She tries to learn new and interesting things about cultures, lifestyles, money, government, treaties, etc. because those things are just enjoyable to her. She likes knowing things others are too unwilling to learn.


Her ambitions aren't many. She just hopes to serve the Federation proud and maybe one day take up residence on a starbase of some sort in a commanding role.

Hobbies & Interests

Anna's hobbies run the gambit. She enjoys working out, relaxing/tinkering in hodecks, studying other worlds and civilizations, training with weapons, laying in bed with her head under a pillow, sitting in the rain, talking with Ferengi, exploring, learning how to purr properly to freak humans out, just fun random stuff for the most part. The only other thing that might stand apart is her eye for trying new foods and a small passion for cooking or learning at least.

Languages : English, Ferengi, Caitian Family Father : P'rethal Mother : M'lari Brother(s) : Valaro, Breth Sister(s) : Mai-Ya Spouse : None Children : None Other Family : Scattered


Anna was born on December 17th 2382 to her two loving parents P'rethal and M'lari along with her three siblings Valaro, Breth and Mai-Ya. Anna's parents were both Starfleet officers. When she was born her mother M'lari decided to retire back to Cait to raise her four children while her father P'rethal continued on as Captain of the USS Rhino returning home every other month to check on them. The war with the Borg was just at its infancy and he needed to be out their as much as possible. Anna doesn't remember much about her father besides the stories her mother used to tell of him and a few old holo-recordings she has of him and her as a baby. The USS Rhino was part of the Allied fleet that was destroyed in the Battle of Ferenginar in 2386. Anna was only three at the time. This made her mother rethink her decision to stay out of service and a few years later in 2390 she rejoined Starfleet as a Lieutenant Commander aboard the USS Persephone an exploratory vessel that was charged with relaying information from one point to another during the war.

Anna got to grow up on a starship at the height of one the deadliest wars ever to touch the galaxy. It would shape her outlook on many things including what she wanted to do with her life. In 2396 her mother was transferred to the USS Gala a Defiant class vessel and with limited utilities and room sent her children to Earth to live her mother but Anna didn't want to go and petitioned the Captain of the vessel to allow her to stay to train for Starfleet for when she was to join. She was a little fire cracker and no one could turn her down not even her mother. In 2397 she served as an acting member of the crew(in the mess hall/hydroponics bay and occasionally the transporter room) and went through the Battle of Alpha Centauri hand in hand with the crew. They were one of only a few ships to make it back to Earth after holding off the Borg attack. Anna took that as a sign of more to come and she spent the next two years of her life aboard that ship studying, fighting, and learning what it is to be a Starfleet officer.

She would later enter into Starfleet Academy in early 2399. As the war was still thought to be on the cusp of certain death her professors and Starfleet Command itself worked her class into a two year awareness program that ended in late 2401 as the threat of another incursion had warn off. She had trained in the arts of defense and security and they shipped her out to the USS Yasaro as an ensign but by then the war was over and the fight that was inside of her was now left for cleaning up messes, re-exploring parts of the galaxy, and occasionally having to fight those who opposed the Federation for what had happened. She spent two years aboard the Yasaro before requisitioning a transfer to Bajoran Starfleet that was being tasked with helping out the Bajoran Commonwealth and lending aid to those planets who were in dire need of assistance. She was assigned to the Pathfinder where she served from 2403 to 2405 as the Assistant Chief of Security and armory officer. In late 2405 she was reassigned to Starfleet's main operations in the area in Dahkur on Bajor. She served as a liaison between the planets, a currier of information, and also as an armed guard on several diplomatic related missions. In 2406 coming from the remnants of what was Old Ferenginar on a surveillance mission her shuttle came under fire from an unknown enemy and took heavy damage. She was able to maneuver herself out of the situation by disabling the vessel following her but her sensors went offline, her communications grid exploded, her engines fried, and she was barely able to keep the ball of burning fire afloat.

No sign of her was ever found and she is assumed missing if not dead. Anna however had managed to take her shuttle into an area of space off the traveled beaten path and discovered an old Cardassian station to dock on. She has been their ever since. Something is with her though something she can't escape and something that is always following her. Her shuttle crash landed in what one would call a thin sheet of death or a shuttle bay. Unable to repair the damage to her vessel and unable to find a way to get the stations communications back online to penetrate whatever was blocking any signals from getting to it she resigned herself to fixing one of the holodecks. She managed to manipulate the programming into giving her access to Holodeck 4 in Promenade room 11. She shunted all available power she could find from the weapons, sensors and shielding systems to this one replicator/holodeck. She was able to gut apart those three main systems so that they would be able to sustain her while leaving life support and gravity unaffected. Life in a holodeck for the last 17 months... It's not safe on the station not really. She only leaves her little isolation area once a week at varied times to safely check the communication grid systems.

Service Record

Battle of Alpha Centauri - 2397 (Civilian)
Planetary Defense Earth System - 2397-2399 (Civilian)
Starfleet Academy - 2399-2401
USS Yasaro - 2401-2403

Bajoran Starfleet:
USS Pathfinder - 2403-2405
Dahkur Bajor - 2405-2406

Location Unknown, Status: Missing - 2406-2408

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