Aa'reth T'arren

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Revision as of 21:51, 26 September 2009

Aa'reth T'arren







July 9th, 2384




Dark Yellow




160 lbs






Chancellor of Cait

First Mentioned:

USS Phoenix

First Appearence:

M 3 - Special Delivery



[ Source ]


Throughout his childhood, Aa'reth showed the same Enginering aptitude that his sisters M'rissi and Ressi Jr. did. Despite this, he was not interested in joining Starfleet. Even with his parents' history and urging, he never wanted to be a part of that organization. As a witness to the orbital destruction, he understood why it was done, but has sympathized with the intentions of the Crimson Claws pirate group since he was old enough to understand them. His parents were not interested in attempting to control the life choices of their kids, despite always wanting the best for them. As such, they did not object to his interest and encouraged him and all his siblings to follow their own path in life.

At the age of 17, Aa'reth signed onto the VCC A'rrina as a junior engineer. Through combination of his family name giving him a level of respect, and his own leadership skills and success in battle, he climbed the ranks and by the age of 22 had gained the position of executive officer on the A'rrina.

In 2305, he took over as commanding officer, when the former CO was killed in a raid on an Orion base that had been established in a nearby system. His superiors saw no reason to replace him, and he was allowed to remain. In 2306, he was given overall command of the 2nd Regiment, Cait system guard. In the short time he held this position, he took on the rank of Fleet Captain and became one of the most respected members within the organization.

In 2307, Aa'reth led a successful coup of the Caitian government. After the assassination of Chancellor V'rrat by Defense Minister K'rrav, Aa'reth led the Crimson Claws on a mission to retake the government. Marching into the government chambers with no resistance, K'rrav was disposed and arrested. Aa'reth took immediate control of the government and found the full backing of the Claws, and a large backing of the Caitian people.


Stoically patriotic towards the furtherment of the Caitian people, he is deeply committed to protecting Cait from any and all threats. He has been known to harshly punish those Caitians who attempt to use the Crimson Claws for their own benefit, and tolerates no pure piracy or extortion of any member of the Caitian race, civilian, government official, or member of the claws. On the reverse side, those who are truley and strongly engaged with the furtherment of Cait are respected and rewarded as necessary.

Aa'reth understands that they need the Federation in the future, but is dedicated to keeping them off of Cait for the time being. As the new Chancellor, he intends to devote the rest of his life to bringing their planet back from the dark hole it was in following the war.


Mother: M'esserri R'Pas
Father: K'ierran T'arren

23 years old (First Group): P'erran R'pas, M'rissi T'arren, L'arri T'arren, M'esserri R'pas Jr. K'rrristina R'pas
19 years old (Second Group): 6 siblings
16 years old (Third Group): 4 siblings
12 years old (Fourth Group: K'arra T'arren, 2 other siblings
8 years old (Fifth Group): 4 siblings
5 years old (Sixth Group): S'rrat R'Pas, V'rrat R'Pas, 3 other siblings

Relatives (with FE involvement): Yolen'da Surridge, M'karll R'pas, L'san R'pas, K'ndry R'pas

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