First Fleet

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Admirals Paris and Taylor work closely together to ensure that the sol system stays secure; there is a clear division of labour between the two admirals. Tom is responsible for security both in orbit and on each planet in the Sol system and Dan is responsible for the space ways within the Sol system and the surrounding systems.
Admirals Paris and Taylor work closely together to ensure that the sol system stays secure; there is a clear division of labour between the two admirals. Tom is responsible for security both in orbit and on each planet in the Sol system and Dan is responsible for the space ways within the Sol system and the surrounding systems.
== The EDF’s Make up ==
The EDF consists of around 100 vessels of varying types, however only 50 or so of these are active war ships. Many EDF ships are still waiting to be re-fitted following the final conflict with the Borg or they have been assigned duties such as cargo transport.
=== Independents ===
Currently there are two independent Vessels within the EDF, the [[USS Archer]] [[Admiral Paris]]’ flagship and the [[USS Ronald Reagan]] the flagship of Admiral Taylor. Both of these vessels are free to move about at the will of their commanding officers and are not assigned to any particular role.
=== Defence Group 1 [DG1] ===
DG1 is made up of 10 vessels; its purpose is to patrol the Sol sector ships only serve in DG1 for 2 months at a time before returning to one of the other DG’s. This is to ensure that the ships currently serving with in DG1 are kept at their peek.
DG1 is commanded by Captain [[Geordie La Forge]] of the [[USS Challenger]].
=== Defence Group 2 [DG2] ===
DG2 is the second ring in the defensive layer around Earth and Sol system; it consists of 30 vessels constantly patrolling the sectors around Sol. These ships maintain a collection of sensor buoy’s designed to give Star Fleet advanced warning of anything moving towards earth.
DG2 is commanded by [[Commodore Jason McArthur]] of the [[USS Hercules]].
=== Defence Group 3 [DG3] ===
DG3 is a rapid response force, designed to respond to any incursion or event with in the EDF’s sphere of responsibility. Currently there are 10 vessels assigned to DG3, 2 ships in this DG are always on alert and ready to respond to any call that comes in. The other ships are on lower alert status to allow the crew some down time.
DG3 is commanded by [[Admiral Donnatra]] of the [[IRV Valdore]]

Revision as of 15:48, 17 February 2005

Earth Defence Force

The EDF (Earth Defence Force) is the fleet which has taken permanent residence within and around the Sol system since the Borg War. The EDF is made up of vessels from several races, Klingon, Ferengi, Romulan, Dominion and Federation to name but a few.

The security of the Sol system is the responsibility of Admiral Tom Paris of Voyager fame; however he does not have direct control over EDF its self. The EDF is under the command of Admiral Dan Taylor, one of the only surviving Admirals from before the Borg War.

Admirals Paris and Taylor work closely together to ensure that the sol system stays secure; there is a clear division of labour between the two admirals. Tom is responsible for security both in orbit and on each planet in the Sol system and Dan is responsible for the space ways within the Sol system and the surrounding systems.

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