Toby Nutley

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Toby Nutley, Circa 2404

Toby Nutley, an enigma to even his closest friends returned to Starfleet in 2404 without warning, the same way he left Starfleet in 2380. There was no warning before he resigned his commission aboard USS Fitzgerald as the ship passed through Sol on its way to Task Force 9 and its mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

Little is known about Toby, Starfleet has very few records of his actions after leaving Stardock in December 2380. It was almost as if he vanished from the face of the universe.

This is exactly what he wanted them to think.

Recent History

In 2404 Toby took command of SS Bounty, a ship formerly under the command of Captain Aaron Carter. As commanding officer he declared himself to be HoD Carter (Rather than taking on the mantle of a Starfleet Captain rank, a move that seemed to go down well with the Klingon officers serving aboard the Bounty.

Still an enigma to his crew, Toby didn't act as a one would expect a Starfleet Captain to act. How many Federation Captains would calmly ask for a cup of tea when faced with a Harvester Vessel?

Other Images of Toby Nutley
Nutty crazy.jpg Toby nutley.jpg
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