Abena Tau

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Doctor Abena Tau was appointed as Secretary of the Interior in President Spock’s administration on the same day as peace was declared.

She was viewed as somebody who could juggle the requirements of the new stresses of the Federation. Aspects such as Earth-Share and generally taking care of both the homeless citizens and those on the lonely colony planets alike, Tau has fought ardently for representation and funding, mostly in relation to the housing problems. She has fought to ensure that those on the non-Sol colonies haven’t been ignored and marginalised. She’s been in favour of returning autonomous governing power to the splits on Earth.

She has been seen as one of the most influential people in the government when it comes to looking after the rights and wishes of the individual. She is seen as caring about the person, as suggesting that people in power actually give a damn, as bringing in a human touch.

Although she’s got results, she has routinely bashed heads with Secretaries of State and Defence, and is seen, by some, as not recognising the dangers of the bigger galaxy. However, it’s been blatantly stated by her in interviews that she’s aware of the dangers of the galaxy, but that it’s up to her to state the so-called ‘fluffy’ agendas, to the other guys to state the paranoid agendas, and up to the President to reach conclusions based on that.

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