James Johnson

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Template:Civilian Character


Early life

James is the second oldest of three child of Johanna and Jonathan Johnson.He has two brothers the elder John Johnson IV and there younger brother Jessy Johnson.There parents both served in starfleet with Johanna assigned as a diplomatic liaison to the embassy on betazed.The Johnson family has served in starfleet or the federation in one form or another for over 200 years.Family life was divided between time aboard the USS Daedalus with there father and the embassy on betazed with there mother.It wasn't until james had turned 11 years old that the family was united assigned to a single duty station with both parents.Spacedock in earth orbit,it was there that james and john IV grew to desire service with Starfleet.

Following tradition

When he finally had turned of age james applied to starfleet academy and was accepted for the following years cadet class.He originally had wanted to persue a command level track of study but after various tests he decided he was more suited for the security field.His cadet team was narrowly defeated in the Kobyashi maru command test after James and the engineer cadet discovered a way to patch a communicator and tricorder into the engineering and security system in an attempt to regain weapons control.The move was successful for a few extra minutes and allowed the team to save the kobayashi crew.They were given a commendation for original thinking.

He graduated 97th in his class and was assigned to the miranda class starship Kongo for his cadet cruise in the security department.A year later he was promoted to full ensign and was reassigned to the post that would define most of his starfleet career.

Serenity Base..


He arrived at serenity base shortly before his new boss LT.Commander Alexander Chadwick.Both men got along very well and were often referred to as constable and deputy.James served as Chadwick's second in command and was the night shift duty chief.He was an instrumental member of the security force during a betleth tournament that was held at the station.He stopped several fights and occurrences of violence and resorted to some rather unusual methods to pacify multiple offenders.

He served at serenity for a good while eventually earning a promotion to LT.Upon the recommendation of commander chadwick He was reassigned shortly after to the starship Shilo a galaxy class starship as chief security/Tactical officer.A position he excelled at.

The lessons learned aboard serenity served him well aboard the shilo and possibly saved his life that faithful day the borg returned.

Return to civilian life

After the loss of the Shilo James was returned to sol for rehabilitation for his injuries.Realizing that his life would never be the same again following the loss of his leg he decided to retire from starfleet and devote his life to endeavors that would be of benefit to the people of earth.It was a difficult decision for a man that had defined so much of his life by his service to starfleet.

Answering the call

James eventually ran for a minor representative position on the world government for the southeast district of the united states.He was readily elected and became quite the popular figure in world politics.Following the untimely death of Senator Richard Fristi the North American senator the world government president offered James the vacant position.James accept hesitantly but once again proved very popular with the world political scene and even one re-election in 2400.

James was content to serve on the planetary governing body.He along with a host of other senators and representatives protested the passing of many unpopular anti "settlement" laws which stopped the flow of refugees to the surface of sol.

In 2405 James received the shock of his life when he was asked by the new Jellico administration if he would accept the position of Federation Vice president.A job he eventually accepted at the urging of many of his fellow world government associates.

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