Jemma Walsh

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Name: Jemma Walsh

Position: Chief Operations Officer

Rank: Ensign

Assigned: USS Ark Royal

Race: Betazoid/Trill (joined)

Gender: Female

Birth Place: Betazed

Age: 25

Personal Description

Jemma resembles any other Trill, with the familiar Trill spots that adorn her body. She also has the Dark Hair and Dark Eyes associated with her Betazoid heritage.

She's a friendly, outgoing, young woman who loves nothing more than to get to know others.


Spending so much time aboard Starships Jemma took a natural interest in her mother's work and the whole world of being a Starfleet officer. Indulged in her will to learn by the Captain of one of her mother's ships she showed a natural talent for Operations as well as other areas. After spending 4 years on Betazed attending the University to earn her Psychololgy degree she decided it was time to apply for Starfleet Academy.

Enrolling at Starfleet Academy at the age of 18 , she got along well with other students and excelled at her studies, her time aboard Starships proving a plus to her learning curve. Graduating 4 years later high in her classes with specialities in First Contact, and Operations Management.

Jemma was happy to start her career aboard a starship her first and only Counsellor's position being aboard the USS Sabre. Like any other officer she was eager to get onto a Starship. Earning praise from the Sabre's Captain she was only aboard the Sabre for a year before a Ops position came up aboard the USS Pheonix, having requested a transfer to Ops she was honoured to be offered the position and after much deliberation decided to take the position.

During a particularly hazardous mission the Operations officer of the Pheonix, Joseph Walsh was terminally injured being a friend and one of few unjoined Trill aboard the ship Jemma volunteered to be the new host for Joseph's symbiont. Something she'd still getting accustomed to.

Being offered her first position as Chief Operations Officer aboard the USS Ark Royal she was quite happy to accept.

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