Now you See It

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Bitter Memories, Best Forgotten was the final episode of the first season of Star Trek: Temporal Investigations.


Captain's log, Stardate 2407.288. The Temporal Investigations caseload has been quite light, yet rotating leaves of absence have done little to help the morale of most of the crew. I have started to think that, perhaps, this is a crew that works better in constant danger and overwork... yet that cannot be correct, because no one can maintain such a schedule for long. Commander Tain has finally put the butterfly incident to rest, the Terrans have not breached the barrier between the universes again, and no notable temporal anomalies have been reported.

There are two incidents of note. First is the theft of a heavy chroniton emitter from the Warsaw Institute of Advanced Relativity. This is likely a prank; WIAR students often earn their reputations with transporter tricks to take things from the Institute's shielded laboratories. Still, a device that powerful is of some concern, so I have sent Lieutenant Commander Feathers and Lieutenant Taris to investigate. They should be arriving in Warsaw within the hour. The second is the arrival, just over a week ago, of Lieutenant Eli Yoder at the Temporal Investigations office. His references were names I do not know, yet his transfer appears to be genuine. I have summoned him to my office; he should be arriving.. .ah, that is him.

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