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Revision as of 19:55, 12 October 2005 by RadmCash (Talk | contribs)
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  • expected duration: 300 years
  • time between resupply: 15 years
  • time between refit: 20 years

I'm assuming these were just lifted or modded from BF's stats but I'm not sure they're all that logical. A Spacedock in orbit of Earth wouldn't have general resupplies every X years - rather it'd probably just get what it needed as soon as it was available. Run out of replicator parts? Call SF Ops and have them ship up some more. Likewise, I don't think it would have many (if any) complete refits, instead just having a large number of repairs when needed. And as for lifetime, is there any reason to assume with proper treatment it won't last indefinately? Look at the Golden Gate Bridge. As far as we're concerned, it's been standing tall for 4/5-00 years. It's likely undergone substancial refitting (The original bridge has been almost completely switched for new parts today to hold out against earthquakes), but it's still there. I reckon ongoing refits and repairs and Spacedock could last as long as we want it to. Its end in service coming either through destruction or because a better design was built. But that's my two cents. - Chris 04:47, 12 Oct 2005 (EDT)

I thought about changing the whole resupply part but then it occured to me that maybe SF would want space dock to be self sufficient for a number of years.then i thought no that would be stupid just use up all the supplies untill there gone and get a huge cargo run up from earth?Then i remembered supplies and equipment arn't as easy a thing to come by in the FE trek world....its insane trying to balance realism in a makebelieve universe.BTW i do agree spacedock would probably be around for a long long time refitted upgraded ETC the BF specs said 200 years of duration and another source i looked at said 150.So i changed um a bit.FYI if you see anything like that again go ahead and change it.  ;)

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