USS Hale

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USS Hale


The USS Hale is an intrepid class Star Ship, before the Borg War the Hale was the Flag Ship of Vice Admiral Nerwal the Task Force Commanding Officer of Task Force 9. Vice Admiral Nerwall (and many members of his crew) was assimilated in to the Borg Collective during a bording action by the Borg, during the battle chief flight control officer Lieutenant Junior Grade Jessica Matthews took command of the ship and managed to fight her way back to earth.

The ship was immediatly dry docked for repairs, which the SCE estimated would take several weeks to complete. Star Fleet was impressed by Commander Matthews action which no doubt saved the Hale and her surviving crew that she was given Command of the Hale.

During the Hales short refit Commander Matthews hurridly completed the command academy on earth, returning to the Hale a week or so before it was due to leave space dock Matthews and her crew recieved a distress call from a Federation Colony which had picked up an approaching Borg cube on sensors. With no other ship able to answer Commander Matthews took the Hale out in her unfinished state.

The ship and her crew performed more than admirably, they managed to complete the evacuation the colony mere minutes before the Borg cube arrived. The Hale made a hurried escape back towards the sol system with the Borg cube in pursit, only the intervention and subisquent destruction of the USS Honour allowed the Hale to reach earth relatively unscathed.

The Hale served with distinction throughout the Borg War and was assigned to the Earth Defence Fleet as the war drew to a close.


Commanding Officer Captain Jessica Matthews Executive Officer Commander Jon Sparks

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