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Basic Information

Name: Jerok
Position: Commanding Officer
Rank: Captain
Assigned: USS Excalibur
Race: Romulan
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Ra'tleihfi, Romulus
Birth Date: 06/26/2308
Age: 95
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 188 lbs
Languages: Romulan, Vulcan, Federation Standard, Klingon

Personal Information

Jerok stands at 6 foot 2 inches with dark hair and even darker eyes. His hair is styled in a typical fashion Romulan style and matches his piercing black eyes. He may be 95 in Human years although he has the looks of a 40 year old Human and is in the mid-life years of an average Romulan male. Although his looks are rather intimidating he is rather favorable to get along with. He enjoys spending time with other people and although Romulans are xenophobic by nature he has learned to try and deal with his xenophobic feelings since the new Federation was founded and therefore is very approachable. Some times he can take unkindly to ignorance, bigotry and overall stupidity as he expects people to know what they're doing and doesn't like mess-ups all that much.


Jerok was the born the youngest of two brothers to Vorak and the mistress of Clan Servek, Lliar and had an older brother who was five years older, Terrik. During his childhood he was showered with riches and anything a Romulan child could have until a wrong turn was made within his family. His mother, Lliar, was ejected from the Romulan Senate in 2316 for her protest of the Treaty of Algeron that was signed in 2311 and from there they only had his father’s position as a vessel commander. While the other members of Clan Servek would help the main family out it still wasn't much. To make things worse Vorak decided to adopt a fostered child when Jerok was in his mid-teens and immediately the adopted child, Tolak, and Terrik clashed with one another.

Jerok was caught in the middle and eventually he found even grounds for them to get along with each other. He knew that was his first step to his career which was still at least five years away. When he was 19 he began his mandatory service in the Romulan Military and after the Military Academy he was assigned to the IRV Vriafwe, a small science vessel, as the ships operations officer. It was a small ship which made keeping operations up-kept was easy for him at the time and made this a great training cruise. Though it turned into much more and Jerok ended up staying in the Military and on the Vriafwe for nearly 22 years.

In 2351 he was reassigned as the Chief of Operations on a D'deridex Class Warbird the D'dentin. During this time the D'dentin was assigned along the neutral zone as first contact with the Federation was inevitable. The vessel prowled the lanes along the zone for 20 years and by this time Jerok had ascended to the rank of Centurion and earned the Romulan Star, the Praetorian Medal and the Ruby Square, which were all quite an accomplishment. When the Dominion War broke out the D'dentin was called to the front lines of Romulan space and a fleet was assembled for anything that could happen. When the Star Empire entered the war the D'dentin was assigned along with sixteen other Romulan vessels to a Klingon-Romulan task force along the Cardassian boarder. During this time Jerok had a chance to spend a lot of time on Klingon vessels and even learned the Klingon language. He also learned that through diversity things can get accomplished, something very un-Romulan of him. When the war was over the D'dentin had six successful engagements under it's belt including the Battle of Chin'toka although it had to limp back to Romulan space on reserve power.

Jerok was then approached with a rather interesting proposal. The Federation was asking for a full exchange officer program which meant that Jerok would become a Starfleet officer and a Starfleet officer would join the Romulan Military. After several days of deliberation Jerok decided to accept the proposal and he was assigned to the USS Highlander as the Chief of Operations where he served for two years with the rank of Lieutenant. Unfortunately things then took a bad turn when he got word that his brother, Terrik, who was also serving in a similar program with Starfleet, had been killed in the line of duty. This put a damper on all of Clan Servek for losing a loved member of the clan and at the same time Terrik was up for a seat on the Romulan Senate. It was unanimously decided by Clan Servek that Jerok take his place. Two days after the decision was made Jerok resigned his commission with both Starfleet and the Romulan Military and took his seat four days later on the Romulan Senate.

Jerok served with distinction on the Romulan Senate for a couple of years then word came...the Borg were on their way, in force. The Romulan Military was immediately ready for anything and recalled a majority of it's Military to Romulus and all major worlds within the Empire and reactivated the "reserve" fleet of older D-7 Class Battlecruisers and even starting a rebuilding policy on the Scimitar Class Warbirds. Finally the day had come for the fight and Jerok felt the Romulans were ready for anything that could happen and even had a fallback plan with Romulan Defense Base ch'Haven 28. The Romulan fleet fought its best but several of the top ranking admirals in the Romulan Military decided it was best if they fell back to RDB since Romulus and Remus were evacuated for the most part. A fleet of 30 ships lead by Admiral Donatra was sent to Earth with a majority of the Romulan Senate including Jerok. The fate of the Romulan forces left to fight for Romulus is unknown however when they reached Earth the Federation Council was quick to offer the Romulans sanctuary and a Federation membership for the Romulans could teach the Federation many things to help them fight the Borg.

At first everyone was reluctant to accept the proposal but with little choice a vote was passed and the Romulans became members of the Federation. Jerok and four other senators were offered seats on the Federation Council at the time but only three of them accepted it and Jerok decided to stay as a civilian from then on, or at least as long as the Borg were around. Although since Jerok was well versed in vessel operations and ship-to-ship tactical maneuvers and strategic operations he was asked to be at Starfleet Command when the Borg attacked the Sol System. He agreed and was there during most of the battle however at some point of the battle he took a small shuttle he had bought and escaped to the Klingon space station in orbit of Earth. When the dust cleared and the smoke settled he came out of hiding and found the Federation victorious.

After a few years Jerok learned through several contacts that Starfleet was finally going to set out of the Sol System again and re-explore the galaxy and look for survivors as well. Immediately Jerok asked that his commission be reactivated and it was. However he also dropped the surname of his Romulan Clan, Servek, as he saw little reason to keep it anymore. While he was a proud member of the clan his people and family were obviously not what they were before and customs were changing. He was immediately assigned to the USS Archer as Chief of Operations and spent a couple years there making his way to Lieutenant Commander. Eventually Admiral Paris recommended him for command of a starship and Jerok accepted the recommendation awaiting command of a starship. Finally his waiting paid off and he was assigned to command the USS Excalibur; one of the newest ships and ship designs in Starfleet. He was also tasked with knocking out all of the kinks of the Excalibur as the Starfleet Corp of Engineers knew there were plenty.

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