Spacedock Class

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The Spacedock-class starbases are the largest facilities ever constructed by Starfleet. The first was Spacedock I in orbit of Earth which was constructed in the 23rd century. The most recent construction is the replacement Spacedock II, built over a hundred years later but to much of the same specifications. Spacedock-class bases are generally referred to by the generic prefix, "Starbase" followed by their construction number. A smaller number are referred to as "Deep Space" stations. Though not widely known, there are in fact two variations of the Spacedock design, with the latter being roughly ten percent larger, in order to accommodate larger vessels such as the Galaxy-class. These later designs are referred to most correctly as Phase II Spacedocks, however the similarity to the Phase I designs mean that they are most often recognised simply as a Spacedock-class station.

Design History

2200s: Starfleet announces a plan to build a new space station in orbit of Earth to service the Fleet and the day to day operations of the system. Following the selection of the final design, construction begins and progresses quickly. The new station is named Earth Spacedock and is completed before the turn of the century.
2300s: Following the success and popularity of Spacedock, work begins on cloning the station in other parts of the quadrant.
2350s: The growing number of large ships within the Fleet such as the Ambassador-class and the promise of the new Galaxy-class on the horizon prompt Starfleet to begin refitting the dome section in order to better accommodate them. New Spacedock-class stations are now built according to the revised Phase II schematics.


Where Phase II figures are the same as Phase I, the box has been marked with two hyphens. It should be noted that torpedo counts and small craft numbers vary from station to station depending on resources and military/economic significance. The optimum figures are shown below.

Version: Phase I Phase II
Expected Hull Life: Indefinate --
Resupply Time: Continuous --
Height: 5500m 6000m
Diameter: 3800m 4145m
Decks: 1375 1500
Phaser Arrays: 1400 1412
Phaser Cannons: 313 415
Torpedo Launchers: 900 1101
Total Torpedoes (max): 130 000 121 000
Photons: 40 000 60 000
Tricobalt: 8 10
Defensive Systems
Shields: Deflector MLSS
Officers: 1251 1376
Enlisted: 18385 20224
Sabres: n/a 80
Pilots: 64 96
Maximum Capacity: 891 000 980 000
Auxiliary Craft
Shuttebays: 26 --
Fighters: 32 (two squadrons) 43 (three squadrons)
Runabouts: 20 24
Shuttles: 28 36

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