James Perfect

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Revision as of 07:14, 16 February 2008 by Marcus (Talk | contribs)
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Template:Command Division Character

Service record

  • Graduate from Starfleet academy - 2383
  • Promoted to the rank of ensign
  • Miscellaneous assignments
  • Assigned to USS Excalibur - Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
  • Promoted to Acting Chief Flight Control Officer
  • Promoted to rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and Chief Flight Control Officer
  • Promoted to rank of Lieutenant
  • Promoted to rank of Lieutenant Commander
  • Transferred to USS Cox
  • Promoted to Executive Officer
  • Transferred to USS Atlantis
  • Promoted to Commander
  • Promoted to Acting Commanding Officer of USS Merrimack
  • Reassigned as Executive Officer of USS Merrimack
  • Requested transfer from USS Merrimack due to personal reasons
  • Transferred to USS Rainmaker - Executive Officer
  • Transferred to USS Ark Royal - Executive Officer
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