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Official Name:


Political System:

Klingon Empire


First City





Day Length:

23 Hours

Year Length:

310 days



[ Source ]

Qo'noS was the homeworld of the Klingon people. It was also the capital world of the Klingon Empire. Contact was lost with the planet in 2388 during the the Borg War.

In 2403, the planet was re-explored by a Klingon Task Force in conjunction with the USS Enterprise F. They found a desolate world infested with Borg nanites but with no Borg population. It was determined that large scale atmospheric reprocessing would be able to purge the nanites and create a world suitable to re-populate. Given the importance of the planet to the Klingon people and for further re-development of the Alpha Quadrant, it was determined to be a worthwhile effort for resource allocation. The planet underwent heavy atmospheric modification with several dozen large processors anchored in orbit.

In 2405, the USS Ark Royal travelled to Qo'noS after contact with the terraforming operations were lost. Although they found the planet in an inhabitable condition with a prosperous population, they also discovered the Borg presence on the world was not completely gone. The colonists had found a small pocket of drones cut off from the Collective. Whether by the drones' manipulations or by scientific research gone wrong, the two groups had become cooperative, leading to a Neo-Collective utilising the technology of both he colonists and the Borg.

Starfleet deemed the risk of this unknown Collective, whatever its origins and intent, to be too high for diplomacy or further study. Captain Kurt Darkly issued the orders for the Ark Royal to deploy its starfighter squadrons with heavy warheads designed for massive planetary bombardment. Within a matter of hours the surface of Qo'noS was reduced to smoking wreckage, and the colonists and drones of the Neo-Collective wiped out. No survivors were found, and the Federation issued no new orders for Qo'noS' resettlement.

The Klingon Empire, upon its reformation and exodus from the Federation, decreed that it would retake all old territory and the homeworld. It is currently unknown whether the Klingon Empire has reached Qo'noS itself and, if they have, what if any measures are being taken for the terraforming and resettlement of the former heart of the Empire.

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