Intimidator Class

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Revision as of 16:23, 22 September 2005 by RadmCash (Talk | contribs)
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Originally intended as a dreadnaught redesign of the sovereign class .The intimidator turned into something completly different during the conflict with the borg.Originally a more heavily armed version of the sovereign class it was decided to remake the design to better utilize the type XX cannon.From the get go Uss Intimidator was to be nothing more than the ultimate borg cube "buster" None of the amenities common on federation starships of this size would be present. Staterooms would be multi occupant bunk style.Science capabilities would also be eliminated from the design.Every empty space and spare area on the ship would be dedicated to power upkeep and protection of the massive gun built into the ships superstructure.In a battle with the borg the intimidator would enter the battle at the safest point and compute the best spot on the cube to hit. Multi power sources and cores would keep up the shielding system power the auxillary weapons and power up the type XX cannon.Only four Intimidator class ship prototypes were produced before and during the war before it ended and only one ship the USS Repulse survived and is now serving in the earth defence force.

expected duration: 100 years time between resupply: 5 years time between refit: 10 years category:Dreadnought

Speed: cruising speed: Warp 7.0 maximum speed: Warp 9.00( 12 hours )

Personnel: officers: 150 enlisted crew: 430 Sabre: 20 capacity: 800

Auxiliary Craft: shuttle bays: 2 shuttles: 8 runabouts: 3

Weaponry: Phasers:

   10 type-XII phaser arrays
   2  type X lineary arrays
   1 type-XXII phaser cannon (internally mounted)


   launchers: 6 ( 1 turret forward, 2 launchers engineering hull facing forward, 2 launchers aft, 1 turret top)
   quantum: 50
   photon: 300


   Ablative Armor    

Dimensions: height: 1150 meters width: 335 meters length: 700.4 meters decks: 32

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