Jack Harris

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Jack Harris, known as Blackjack, is yet to be names an Ape. Currently, he is flying cargo shuttles inside the sol system.

Personal Details

Height: 5’9"

Weight:175 lbs

Eye Color: blue

Hair Color: black

Appearance: Jack has been known by the opposite sex as a looker. With his sharp features and deep blue eyes, one would take him for a romantic, were it not for the cocky smile he usually displays. His hair is usually kept short in Starfleet Marine regulations, but not any shorter. To this day he doesn’t understand why some feel it necessary to shave off to much hair. He is well built, and tries to keep in shape, though his build is more one built for stamina rather than strength.


Jack Harris was born in Libby Montana to Colonel Arnold “Mad Dog� Harris and Margaret Harris. Jack’s father was a member of the elite 123rd Marine Fighter Squadron (Paladins) stationed on Earth. When the Borg attacked, Colonel Harris and ninety percent of the Paladins were killed defending Earth. This affected young Jack as he grew up. He always wanted to be like his father. The youth got his chance after he graduated from the Academy. Soon after he became a Marine fighter jock.

His first, and last, duty station was with the newly formed 3rd Marine Space Squadron, named the War Pigs. Though the squadron was flying out dated Razor class fighters, the young pilot found the new assignment thrilling. He made friends fast with the members of his fighter squadron. All of them that is but Major Justin Garin. Major Garin came to command the squadron just shortly after Jack arrived. He was the kind of officer that knew what butts to kiss and when, which got him the job of squadron commander despite his lack luster flying skills. He was hard on the men, and not in the interest in keeping them on their tows, but simply because he couldn’t associate with the caliber of pilots that made up the War Pigs. For him, the squadron was a way point toward his goals of a cushier job back in Starfleet HQ. Jack knew Major Garin was someday going to get some good pilots killed. Little did he know that it was right around the corner.

A band of Nausican pirates had been pushing into the Sol system attacking supply vessels. EDF could never get a handle on the pirates, they were to fast in and out. Like they knew what they were looking for and when the ships would be in the most vulnerable position. Intelligence uncovered the Nausican pirate base not to far from the Sol system. The War Pigs would escort the USS Langley and USS Oslo to engage the pirates. The raid ended up being an ambush. Again, the Nuasicans acted as if they had knowledge before hand. The Langley was badly damaged, and the Oslo was loosing a lot of ground. Rather than protect the endangered star ships, Major Garin saw an opportunity for some glory. He ordered the War Pigs to go in single handedly to wipe out the Nausican base. Jack protested, as did the XO, Captain Henderson. Major Garin still insisted.

Without the protection of the fighters, the USS Langley was destroyed. The USS Oslo was hurt badly, most of it’s command crew was dead when a plasma blast took out the bridge. To make matters worse, the Razor class fighters the War Pigs flew were ill equipped to take out the base. Many Marine pilots were taken out. Finely seeing his stupidity, Major Garin called the fighters back to aid the Oslo in escaping the ambush. After twenty long minutes, the Oslo was able to regain warp power. Of fifteen War Pigs that entered the battle, only three remained. Even Captain Henderson met his end in the ambush.

When they made it back to the Sol system, and landed, Jack wasted no time in finding Major Garin. He almost killed the man. It took five marines to pull Jack off of him. Jack was sent to the brig. Major Garin was awarded the distinguished flying cross and promotion to Colonel for his “heroic� actions to save the Oslo from certain doom. Jack got a trip to New Zealand with a sentence of no less than ten years with the option of parole after two. To make matters worse, Colonel Garin received command of fighter operations in the outer rim of the system, to include a rebuilt 3rd Marine Space Squadron under the new title of 1st Pluto defence squadron 'War Pigs'.

After a parole hearing, Jack Harris was released from New Zealand and sent to the 5th Logistics Squadron. He now flies a cargo shuttle around the Sol system delivering spare parts to fighter squadrons.

Personality Profile

He’s a loose cannon, or at least that’s what his fitness report says. In reality, Jack is a good officer, who isn’t afraid to do the right thing, and he’s a damn good pilot. He has been know to be a bit of a joker and prankster, with a touch of cockiness. While in the cockpit he’s all business. His flight instructors at the academy noted that he has very natural flying skills, with a touch of overconfident boldness. All in all he’s dependable when things start getting hairy.

Out of the cockpit, Jack’s another story. The young marine’s “live fasts and die young� motto comes out. He’s been known to gamble, chase multiple women, and drink like a fish. A lot of this has to do with his outlook on life. The ‘Borg took everything from him, and at any moment, in his mind, can come back to wipe out Earth. Better to live life now than to waste it. Romantic relationships have never been a good thing for Jack. He pushes then away, afraid that they too, will be destroyed. According to his councilor at New Zealand, he’s on a destructive path, as it has been noted in his physiological evaluation.

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