Dalival Braeden

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Personal Details

Name: Dalival Braeden

Age: 30

Date of Birth: 2373

Place of Birth: Betazed

Family: Father: Jaxon Braeden | Mother: Aliva Braeden

Interests: Rugby; Tinkering with Shuttles; Flying; War Games; Historical Heraldry and Genealogy; Music – Heavy rock.

Medical Details

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 lbs.

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Physical Appearance: Dalival Braeden doesn’t, on first glance, appear to be much like a pilot. An initial glance would have him pegged as a marine, with his burly build and generally rather physically intimidating appearance. He keeps his dark hair in a close crop, is always clean-shaven and well presented, and very precise in manner in everything he does. Closer inspection, however, will show Braeden's s somewhat softer side. His dark eyes are warm and compassionate, and even strict appearance and harsh haircuts cannot belie his fairly soft features. He is soft-spoken, with a strong hint of a Betazed accent about his voice that he has done his best to tone down in his career, but which sometimes escapes when he is particularly riled up.

Starfleet Record

Rank: Lieutenant

Assignment: Chief Helm Officer, USS Perseus NCC-78386


Service Record:

  • 2391 - 2393: Starfleet Academy; Officer Candidate (Cadet)
  • 2393 - 2398: USS Thunderchild; Deputy Chief Helm Officer (Ensign)
  • 2398 - 2403: USS Thunderchild; Chief Helm Officer (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
  • 2403 - Present: USS Perseus; Chief Helm Officer (Lieutenant)
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