Talk:Kathryn Janeway

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Revision as of 12:17, 5 April 2006 by Oook (Talk | contribs)
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Look, I don't get it. She was on Voyager, Voyager blew up. Why is she listed as MIA? I imagine she's like thousands upon thousands of other officers out there who were on board ships which blew up but bodies were obviously never recovered. Quite frankly, Starfleet's going to list those as KIA. So why's she in the MIA section?

She's dead, damn it! --Oook 11:58, 4 April 2006 (EDT)

To annoy you RadmCash 07:13, 5 April 2006 (EDT)

Whilst that's a reason which is ever entertaining for others, I'm just wondering. MIA is when ships aren't confirmed as destroyed and just go missing, etc, etc. When you know the ship's blown up and you're damn sure someone was on it, why MIA? I mean, where the hell would she have gone if not to that big happy place in the sky? I can't see Janeway surviving by getting onto an escape pod and then deciding to amble off elsewhere. --Oook 08:17, 5 April 2006 (EDT)

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