Aaron Carter

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Aaron applied to join Starfleet at the age of 17 against his parent’s wishes, he felt it was his duty to join Starfleet and fight back against the Borg. His parents would have preferred he and his half brother left Earth with them, Aaron felt that his parents were running away in the darkest hour.

He barely persuaded his brother to stay and fight with Starfleet, something that has always caused an issue between the pair. They haven’t spoken for the last 8 years despite being posted on the same ship for a while.

Aaron began his ascent to command aboard the USS Ajax, as an ensign manning the tactical console he was appalled to find his commanding officer repeatedly pulling the Ajax back from battle, for no other reason than to save the crew’s lives. In Carter’s mind the lives of the crew and the survival of the ship ranked far below the survival of the Federation.

After 12 months Aaron was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, battle casualties were beginning to take their toll on the Ajax. As he was promoted he became Assistant Chief Tactical Officer onboard the Ajax as well, a heady promotion for one as young as he.

It was aboard the Ajax that Aaron first appeared on Starfleet’s radar, after a series of engagements in which the Ajax repeated withdrew from, Carter became restless with the orders of his commanding officer. Several minutes in to the Ajax’s next engagement the captain again gave the order to retreat. This time Carter could stand it no longer, withdrawing his phaser from his holster Carter demanded the captain reverse his order and keep fighting.

When the Captain refused Aaron killed him there on the bridge.

Aaron took command of the Ajax and ordered the ship back in to the fray. At the end of the battle over half the crew were dead or worse assimilated. To the surprise of the crew Aaron was lauded as a model officer instead of being reprimanded, his actions during the battle had helped the Federation rally its troops and mount a sustained counter attack. On that day Carter found a few friends higher in the ranks of Starfleet.

Almost immediately Aaron found himself transferred to the USS Staedler where he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and placed in the Executive Officer spot. At the age of 25 Carter found himself one step away from his goal of becoming a commanding officer.

Almost a year later Carter found himself in temporary command of the USS Staedler, his commanding officer had travelled back to earth to meet with Starfleet Command. Responding to a distress signal the Staedler came across an old Ju’Day class vessel, to Carters surprise he found his father on board – the man who had forbade him to join Starfleet, the man who had fled rather than face the Borg.

Starfleet has no record of what happened in the captains ready room aboard the Staedler, 2 men entered, however only Carter left alive. Scuttlebutt was rife aboard the ship about Carter executing his own father for crimes against the Federation.

After the Staedler’s last encounter with the borg on the edge of the Sol system Carter found himself in charge again, the captain was killed on an away mission. For 6 months Carter continued the boarder patrol mission the Staedler was engaged in. Only after one large battle with the Vulcan’s where three quarters of the Staedler’s crew were killed did Starfleet recall the ship to Earth.

Aaron found himself promoted to Captain and assigned to a special task by Starfleet Command.

Captain Aaron Carter found himself charged with finding the Holy Grail and returning to Starfleet.

Aaron Carter's Family
Name Relationship Status
Joseph Carter Father Deceased
Maria Carter Mother Unknown
John Carter Brother Starfleet Officer, assigned Starfleet Command
 ??? Carter Sister Presumed Deceased
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