Savannah Sharpclaw

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Name: Savannah "Kitty" Sharpclaw

Caitian Name: S'vrrah

Species: Caitian

Sex: Female

Fur Color: Tawny

Eye Color: Amber

Age: 45

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Marital Status: Single

Mother: M'rrah

Father: K'narr

Siblings: Too numerous to keep track of

Languages: Federation Standard, Caitian



Savannah's resemblance to an African Lioness is almost striking. In fact, if you can picture a Lionness walking upright on two legs wearing a Starfleet Uniform with shoulder length tawny colored hair, you pretty much know what Savannah looks like.


The fact that there are many other Feline species in the Universe has always facinated Savannah. Especially the non-sentient types. She may sometimes spend her idle time searching through databanks for information regarding various feline species. She has a small collection of sculptured feline items. She finds that the Egyptians of ancient Earth's religious worship of cats to be most interesting. Found on her desk is a replica of the Egyptian God Bast.

Service Record

Starfleet Academy: entered at age 18

USS Ranger: Commissioned as Ensign, position of Junior Counselor at age 22, Promoted to Lt.(jg) 3 years later

USS Dreadnought: Accepted position as Assistant Chief Counselor at age 25 (Restricted information between time period of service on board the Dreadnought and commissioning onboard the USS Phoenix - Details unknown)

USS Phoenix - Age 45


Savannah's given name is S'vrrah. During her time at Starfleet Academy, many of her human friends had difficulties pronouncing her name and chose to call her "Kitty" instead. While she didn't mind being called Kitty by her friends, it wasn't a name that she wanted to be stuck with during her professional career. After discussing the situation with a few of the Starfleet Academy Counselors who assured her there was nothing wrong with her Caitian name, she chose to use Savannah Sharpclaw as her name from that point on.

The USS Ranger, an Insignia class Starship, was Savannah's first asignment. She was quite pleased to recieve the posting and vowed to do her best as a counselor. Unfortunately, many of the crewmembers had never seen a caitian before. The site of a large feline bearing a set of rather sharp canines when she smiled was unnerving to say the least. Her friendly nature and gentle manuerisms eventually won them over. But Savannah had to work harder than most at really meshing with the crew. After she was accepted, her honor was defended on numerous occasions during a few shore leave expeditions.

One shoreleave expedition that deserves mention occured during a trip to Earth. Savannah had been quite excited when she found out the ship was going to be in orbit around the planet for two full weeks. She had been wanting to get a closer view of the native feline inhabitants as well as study the ancient Egyptiant culture a bit more. During the trip she purchased a small statue of Bast, the Egyptian Cat God. While she was there, she spoke at length with an Egyptian Historian Dr. Duraid Al Sibbad. The man was thoroughly impressed with the Caitian's knowledge regarding Ancient Egypt and the worship of cats. As a parting gift he gave her one of his prize kittens, a Sphynx that would later come to be known as Max. Although Savannah didn't believe in keeping cats as pets, she finally agreed on the conition that Max was a Companion with the same rights to her room as she herself had. Max, naturally agreed and soon dominated their living quarters. Fortunately he was willing to share the bed and enjoyed curling up on his own pillow near Savannah's head. His presence helped Savannah to not feel quite so lonely for Caitian companionship.


Unlike the majority of her Caitian counterparts, Savannah sticks with a diet that consists mostly of small prey animals (insects, crustatians, fish, lizards and some birds) and certain types of fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, cereals, pasta and the like. Because of her teeth she has difficulty eating leafy vegetation and nuts and will avoid them. Certain types of fruits must be sliced up before she is able to chew them. Caitians are typically carnivores but Savannah has adapted to an omnivore diet through personal choice.

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