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Well, I got bullied into writing something about me. *Glares at Dan* LOL. Well what can I say, I live in the UK, and am a single mum to two teenage daughters. Hitting the big 4-0 next year, and hoping life really does start at 40.

I have been simming for 2 years now, but a fan of Trek and anything sci-fi for a long time. I enjoy writing and acting and find that Role play is a great way to combine both these hobbies. I belong to an amateur theatre group, and do anything from acting, scenery building and directing the shows we put on.

I have a lot in my life, I have been teaching Line dancing for the past 14 years, and now have started to learn Salsa which is proving to be a lot of fun. I love meeting people and chatting, as any on MSN will know.

My BF career started about 2 years ago, when I joined the Ben Nevis under Dan West. I was his XO for a while and after a few months he suggested I should think about Command. I had never really thought about that, he then put me in contact with Sah. Who introduced me to TF21.

I went through Command Academy in a weekend and then started to simm on the Visionary. I was surprised when I started to progress up the ranks, wondering what was happening. Now here I am, 2 years down the road, TF21 TFCO, the Visionary still proving to be a good, fun simm, and about to embark on this new venture with FE. I have met some great folks in simming, and look forward to see what the future holds. Especially with a new film coming out next year...

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