Blake Murrdock

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Name: Blake Murrdock Position: Recon Sniper Rank: Not Assigned yet Species: Mousian/Borg Gender Male Age: 29 Physical Appearance: Well built, a few borg implants are apparent above left however barely visible as the metal was removed but left a scar. Height 5' 6" Weight 210 lbs. Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Black


Personality & Traits: Over the years, he has been able to regain his sense of humor, will be serious during missions when needed.

General Overview

Strengths: 1. Keeping extremely quiet 2. Meeting new friends 3. Computer use

Weaknesses 1. beautiful women 2. Seeing others being assimilated 3. Not knowing much of his past

Ambitions: To have a family one day, to regain memory of his past on where he came from. Hobbies & Interests: Computers, reading, writing, history, meeting others Languages: Klingon, vulcan, Mousian, Terran

History: Much of his past history is forgotten to him as the last thing that he ever wanted to keep was starfleet finding him on a borg cube during a fight. When they found him, they noticed that he was still alive and that his species was unknown of.

They transported him back aboard the ship to be transported to a medical base back inside Starfleet space. Once there, the doctors started to remove the implants and casings.

Doctors had figured that he may need the chambers as some of implants didn't seem to want to leave his system. However it was later put aside as the implants came off within time.

After all of the operations, the doctors were surprised on what they saw. They had expected to see a normal human being however they found Blake as a creature of either myth or stories.

Blake told them that all he remembered was that his species was of Mousian's however his past was still fuzzy. Wanting to leave immediately, he was kept there for what seemed to be for years before he was finally released.

However he didn't really know where to go, for him home was unknown as he finally traveled to Earth as he figured he may find another of his kind so he could know where home was.

However, he never did find one as he joined the marine corps as a Recon Sniper as he figured it would be a start.

Family Other

Father: Unknown Mother: Unknown Spouse: N/A Brothers: Unknown Sisters: Unknown Other Relatives: Unknown


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