Michelle Wolfblade
From FEInfobase
Template:SABRE Corps Character
Dossier:: Roughly known from various Intel resources:: Rough Draft with possible updates::
Michelle Wolfblade :: 5 of 5 Mousian/Borg Female
5', female, has dark golden brown fur fading to white on her frontside and coming up the underside of her muzzle, inside of her round ears is also white with pinkish tinge to it, dark warm golden brown eyes, and a long 4 foot slender prehensile tail which can lift light object up to ten pounds, her torso is that of a human female, hand paws has three fingers and an opposible thumb to grab things, wears whatever that's comfortable or required. Has Visible Borg Neuro Implants and attachment points. Her artifical tail has retractable razor barbs (like concertina wire barbs)
Personality Being of peaceful in nature and has better control of her aggressive tendencies, scholarly/technical type with combative edge and training, prefers to seek the peaceful way out of thing, but will fight to defend in what she believes in. A quiet Lady's confidence in herself. Professional and works long hours when given an assignment. Abit chaotic right now ....
Strengths:: quick, agile and great physical stamina, high threshold for pain. Very curious, abit wild and very independent. Borg implants and attachments.
Weakness :: Will kill Borg on sight regardless to the consequences of her action.
She started on a primitive world, becoming an well known adventurer amongst her species until the borg came to her planet. She was captured and assimilated by the borg. Instead of full assimilation, they added to her, just enough to control and communicate with her, leaving her intact and enhanced.
She was the best Infiltration specialist the Borg ever devised in their losing war against the advancement of the Rising Federation. Infiltrating Military units with the ease using her Mousian Cuteness and charms to get much needed information so the Borg could use it to lay traps to help stall the New Federation's advance into Borg territory.(Cause of Cassie's unit to fail in their mission, yet still survive the trap with 50% casualties).
Then her Borg Cube-Community got hit hard by an all out assault which succeeded. It was Cold Hearted Fleet Admiral threw his entire fleet of ships against the Borg Cube along with himself as part of attack. Only 1 ship survived and it wasn't the Admiral's ship either. He had his ship along with self do a suicide run against the Borg Cube, crashing into the sphere ejection port, thus blocking the escape of the Queen Borg. Old Blood-n-Gut Farmuke died in the ensuing explosion, killing the Borg Cube along with the 4th fleet flagship. Thus retiring the Colors of the Flaming 4th Fleet. Motto was "Do or Die" no in the middle pansy "I know you're the Declared Enemy..but lets talk first" policy of the previous Federation Star fleet.
Michelle adapted and became a well known Mercenary working for the highest bidder, taking back her Identity she had lost when she became 5 of 5 of the surviving assimilated Mousian Borg Commandos. She is the only surviving member of the team.
Michelle will go out of her way to kill borgs even if mean the failure of a mission.... Borg will die.
Michelle was approached by the New Federation Mobile Infantry when after careful research into her political belief and her undying hatred against the Borg.