Xi Tong

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Template:SABRE Corps Character


PERSONALITY: Xi is friendly, warm and open. She takes her job very seriously, and loves nothing better. She is outgoing, and when she is off duty, she can usually be found socializing with others.

AMBITIONS: Xi wishes to one day command her own vessel

HOBBIES: reading, writing, listening to music, rock climbing, hiking, swimming, taking a scenic cruise through the prettier parts of the galaxy

LANGUAGES: Federation Standard


In March of 2374 Xi was born to wonderful and loving parents. Her father XingPa (Human) and her mother Melorin (Betazoid) were both consultants for Starfleet Medical and wished Xi to follow the Medical route. Xi, however, had different ideas. She had trained beside her father since she was able to walk in Hoku-ronitsu, a streamlined discipline incorporating ideas and movement flows from many different martial arts: Jujitsu, Karate, Tae Kwan do, and Aikido with kick boxing elements. In 2392, at the age of 18, she entered Starfleet Marine Academy, where her training in Hoku was a great asset. Upon graduation in 2396, she was assigned to the USS Crazy Horse, and she knew she had made the correct decision regarding her schooling. She loved the challenges set for her by the corps, and loved nothing more than to push herself. She trained hard and was rewarded with her steady progress and physical development. When the Borg War ended, like so many others, Xi was changed. Gone was the smiling, optimistic woman. In her place was a battle-hardened warrior, intent on revenge. She had lost so very much... family, friends... and chance at a happy life. Her fiance, Garrett Wilson was assimilated and lost to her forever.She swore on her ancestors Honor that she would avenge the multitude of deaths brought on by the Borg.

(2392-2396) Starfleet Academy

(2396-2398) USS Crazy Horse, Marine

(2398-2400)-USS Crazy Horse -Promoted to 1st Lt

(2401) USS Avalon : assigned to the new Titan Class ship as assistant to the MXO

(2401) Received Word that M Captain Garrett Wilson's entire platoon had been assimilated

(2402) USS Avalon: Following a skirmish with the Borg and the resulting death of the current MXO, Xi is promoted to MXO -Promoted to Captain

(2404) Transferred to Hell Hounds


FATHER: XingPa (Deceased)

MOTHER: Melorin (Deceased)


SISTER(S): none




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