FMI Structure

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A company is typically the smallest FMI element to be given a designation and affiliation with higher headquarters at battalion and brigade level. This alphanumeric and branch designation causes an "element" to become a "unit."



9 to 10 soldiers. Typically commanded by a sergeant or staff sergeant, a squad or section is the smallest element in the FMI structure, and its size is dependent on its function.


16 to 44 soldiers. A platoon is led by a lieutenant with an NCO as second in command, and consists of two to four squads or sections.


62 to 190 soldiers. Three to five platoons form a company, which is normally commanded by a captain with a first sergeant as the commander's principle NCO assistant. A phaser or photon artillery unit of equivalent size is called a battery, and a comparable armored unit is called a troop.


300 to 1,000 soldiers. Four to six companies make up a battalion, which is normally commanded by a lieutenant colonel with a command sergeant major as principle NCO assistant. A battalion is capable of independent operations of limited duration and scope.


3,000 to 5,000 solders. A brigade headquarters commands the tactical operation of two to five organic or attached combat battalions. Normally commanded by a colonel with a command sergeant major as senior NCO, brigades are employed on independent or semi-independent operations. Armored cavalry units this size are categorized as regiments or groups.


10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Usually consisting of three brigade-sized elements and commanded by a major general, divisions are numbered and assigned missions based on their structures. The division performs major tactical operations for the corps and can conduct sustained battles and engagements.There are currently 10 such divisions in the FMI.With more recruits being trained and additional forces being formed yearly since 2401.An estimated 20 divisions will be ready for deployment and stationing in early 2410.


20,000 to 45,000 soldiers. Two to five divisions constitute a corps, which is typically commanded by a lieutenant general. As the deployable level of command required to synchronize and sustain combat operations, the corps provides the framework for multi-national operations.


50,000 + soldiers. Typically commanded by a lieutenant general or higher, an army combines two or more corps. A theater army is the ranking FMI Army component in a unified command, and it has operational and support responsibilities that are assigned by the theater commander in chief. The commander in chief and theater army commander may order formation of a field army to direct operations of assigned corps and divisions. An army group plans and directs campaigns in a theater, and is composed of two or more field armies under a designated commander.The Federation has never had to field an Army group at any time.Even during the war with the dominion.The borg conflict happened to fast for the smaller Starfleet marine corp to respond with anything larger than a brigade at anyone planetary battle location.It is estimated that by 2415 to 2420 the federation will be able to mobilize and field four to six such Army groups.

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