Elvira James

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Character: Elvira James Race/Birthplace: Human / Atlanta Earth Age: 26 Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'2" Athletic build, weight 128lb, long red/ginger hair to mid back, green eyes, pale skin.

She appears to be a quiet almost shy person.

She is cautious around strangers when she first meets them but this wears off once she gets used to them. She is commited to her work and will go to great lenghts to complete something she is working on.

History: Born in Atlanta on Earth she was brought up to work hard for what she want's. Mother: Alana James - store keeper Father: Frank James - gardener

She has no other close family, her early years were spent between school and helping her mother in the store, she always dreamed of getting away from the life her parents lived. She wanted something more exciting so at the age of 16 she left home and applied to Starfleet to join the Acadamy, she was accepted because her school grades were exceptional.

Her language skills got her accepted as a translator but she asked to train in another section so that she could serve on a Starship and not just a translator for diplomats. She choose to train as a security officer as her skills would also be useful in that position, she learnt to read/write and speak 4 different languages fluently in her time there. She graduated 3rd in her class in the security section.

The languages she speaks are - Klingon, Vulcan, Cardassian and Bajoran (Terran)

Hobbies and interests: She enjoys tinkering with electrical gadgets and likes to try and come up with ways to improve the ships weaponry, but normally keeps her ideas to herself.

Enjoys Klingon Opera and food/drink. She also enjoys hand to hand combat, she is fast but not overly strong can use most small weapons (Dagger Size) as well as the standard phaser and phaser rifle.

She has tattoo's covering all of her body from the neck down except for her feet and hands so they are not visable when in full uniform, they are of an old chineese design they represent her rebelious side which she normally hides well. She also practises various forms of massage and also pain reduction techniques useing the presure points alone to releive or lighten one's pain or in extreme circumstances to cause pain instead. She learnt these techniques as a way of defending herself due to her small size, she is extremely well trained in the use of bladed weapons of various sizes and styles. Her favorite weapons are Sai daggers, she carries a matched pair of them at all times sometimes concealed.

Starfleet Record: First assignment - USS Hades Security Officer 9mths.

During her time on the Hades she got into a fight with a senior officer, the fight ended when she was pulled off his limp form. She had stabbed him in the heart with a Sai dagger, her favorite weapons. The officer survived but she was charged with assult and attempted murder of a senior officer, she was found guilty and sentenced to 3yrs in a maximum security detention facility. When she was released she was dishonourably discharged from starfleet and left to fend for herself, for a while she hired her services out as a body guard to those who could afford her prices.

She got bored with this after a short time and tried her hand at something more lucrative, she became a thief. As an alternitive source of making money she also worked for certain parties as an assasin, she was well suited to this and soon found herself in great demand as both a thief and assasin. Sometimes useing her skills to complete both a theft and a murder at the same time, it is not the money alone that draws her to this work she enjoys the challenge both jobs give her.

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