Jeremy Hark

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Personal Information

Full Name: Jeremy Hark

Terran Age: 27

Species: Human

Position: Chief Science Officer aboard the Ark Royal

Rank: Lt. Junior Grade.

Date of Birth: 14th January, 2379.

Place of Birth: Malta Colony, Alpha Centauri

Marital Status: Single

Family: Father - Simon Hark [retired], Mother - Amanda Hark [deceased]

Languages Spoken: Federation Standard, Vulcan

Interests: High-energy physics, xenotechnology, chess, science fiction novels and Klingon opera.

Service Record

2397 – 2399 Starfleet Cadet

2400 – Ensign

2403 – Lt. Junior Grade.

2406 – Chief Science Officer, USS Ark Royal


2379 – Born on Alpha Centauri

2397 – Enrols at Starfleet Academy

2399 – Battle of Sol, served aboard USS Unyielding.

2400 – Returns to Starfleet Academy

2401 – Posted to USS Hercules, Earth Defence Fleet, Science Officer.

2403 – Promoted to Deputy Science Head

2406 – Promoted to Chief Science Officer, USS Ark Royal

Early Career

His life before Starfleet was unremarkable. Jeremy was the son of Simon and Amanda Hark, a botanist and xenobiologist respectively. Expected to enrol into the Zephran Cochrane School for Science, he surprised his parents from an early age by expressing an interest in Starfleet. It became his dream to fly amongst the stars and help make them a safer place to be.

Such idealism was soon threatened by a climate of bullying and intimidation he suffered under within the local schools. His grades would never fault however despite the number of bruises he would return home with, citing excuses such as physical training accidents. The stain of these events would never quite leave him, his teachers noting his behaviour becoming far more insular. Exam results showed him to be remarkably adept in the sciences, almost scoring top of his class before graduating in 2397 and enrolling in Starfleet Academy.

Surrounded by an academic environment his parents could have never provided, Jeremy’s intellect soon flowered. His first paper was published in 2398 to some criticism from his peers. The thesis detailed how sophisticated applications of warp drive could be used to reignite dead stars. Some thought of his pet theory as a flight of fancy whilst others viewed it more darkly as unethical. Physics soon became his speciality, many of his classmates unsuccessfully seeking his knowledge on countless occasions. It was one such evening in the library when the call went out that the Borg were approaching the planet and the Academy was to be evacuated. Many of the more capable students were taken aboard ships and expected to help out. Jeremy found himself aboard the USS Unyielding.

Glimpse Into Hell

The Battle of Sol has gone down in history as one of the bloodiest battles ever fought by mankind, let alone the Federation. It was an event that marked the futures of many within Starfleet. For some, it was the end whilst for others it was the beginning. A time where they graduated, not with gowns, but with blood and guns.

Soon after his arrival aboard the Unyielding on the 24th December, Jeremy was to assist in repelling any invaders that made it aboard the ship. There was little use for analysis within the battle ahead and anyone who had enough hands to fire a phaser rifle . An Akira class, the Unyileding was expected to take part in the opening assault on the cubes. Drafted into assisting with the engineering efforts, Jeremy helped where he could as he saw the horrors of war for the first time. Only scattered reports exist of his activities over the next 48 hours, Jeremy has never been known to talk about them. Needless to say that the Unyielding was part of Strike Force Alpha, the ill-fated first wave against the Borg Armada.

History records the battle of Strike Force Alpha beginning on the 24th December, Christmas Eve, in the orbit of Mars. Wave after wave of relentless Borg firepower came down across the fleet. Jeremy watched a progression of wounded engineers and Starfleet personnel fill the corridors. Still he kept to his task, helping the wounded where he could until a Borg weapon penetrated the ship’s shields. Jeremy was fortunate enough to have been behind the emergency forcefield when the walls vanished. Yet he saw dozens of wounded sucked out into space, freezing on contact with vacuum.

Things only got worse after that. With the failure of their shields and the gaping hole in the ship’s structure, it was only a short time before Borg began appearing across the decks. Jeremy and other survivors holed themselves away in what remained of Engineering, the heavily shielded walls preventing any further transports as they tried to hold out against the invaders.

Despite therapy and counselling, Jeremy is still unable to remember his actions immediately thereafter. The survivors waged a desperate defence against the drones and assimilated former colleagues, a confused and increasingly traumatised Jeremy caught in the middle. Hours wore on and the drones adapted to their weapons until there were only a few survivors left, Jeremy and two other ensigns. Sealing the doors and throwing aside their useless weapons, it came down to a terrible choice; to kill every living thing on the ship or to surrender themselves to assimilation. They cast votes.

Damned if you do…

The sensor log of when the USS Thunderchild came across the wreckage of the Unyielding describes the massive plasma burns that scorched the inside of the ship. Sending rescue teams on board, they soon discovered the corpses of assimilated and semi-assimilated Borg littering the decks, their biological components having been vaporised. Pressing further into the ship they came across the sealed Engineering bay and inside the three unconscious survivors. Life support running on bare minimum, they had survived.

Reawakening onboard and in Sick Bay, the three ensigns were soon questioned as to their actions on board and precisely how they survived. After taking the vote, they had decided on two against one to flood the decks with plasma from the coolant system. Anything left alive on the ship, Borg or otherwise, would be instantly vaporised. Confessing to their actions in the annihilation of life aboard the ship, there was to be no official retribution although it would be a stain upon their reputations which would follow them throughout their careers.

From there, the Battle of Sol ground to its conclusion. Jeremy staying onboard the Thunderchild, recovering from mild hypothermia. Shortly after the Borg were repelled, he returned to Starfleet Academy to finish his education although from then he was more a pariah than ever. Fellow students would go out of their way to avoid him and the other two who survived the Unyielding. Whilst his popularity suffered, his grades did not and in a year he graduated with excellent grades in a variety of scientific disciplines. It was when it came to placement that he began to suffer difficulties.

None of the ships posted outside of Earth would take him aboard. For many it was simply a case of other people filling the position until eventually he landed a position aboard the USS Hercules, a science vessel in the Earth Defence Fleet. For many it would have been considered an easy position but for someone like Jeremy who sought to challenge himself, it was frustrating. With nothing but catalogued particles to study, he began to persue a series of side-projects which would earn him both repute and ire in the scientific community. Shortly after the publication of a well received paper on the effects of metaphasic radiation upon Borg implants, he earned himself a promotion to the position of Chief of Science on board. Now delegating monitoring the less interesting phenomena, he would spend his time when not on duty persuing several confidential simulations in the holosuites and scribbling notes in his PADD.

Months passed with him barely noticing until he was suddenly ordered to transfer to the first in a new line of ships, the Ark Royal.

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