Venture Star Class

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Template:Starship specsThe Venture Star-Class was a new class of ship named after original super dreadnought prototype of 2260's utilised by Admiral Cash's rebellion in the early 25th century.


Emblem of the Venture Star Project
Originally developed as a combat-biased variant of the Enterprise-class. Venture Star was to become the main testbed for any new weapons and propulsion technology developed by the SCE. Part of the expansive Flight Two program in Starfleet that seeks to integrate more "alien" technology into current and future Starfleet ships.

Venture Star systems are currently under construction and testing at Dock 7 Utopia Planitia Shipyards. Due to the ongoing resource shortage in the Sol system and Alpha and Beta Quadrants, the continued production of large capital ships such as Enterprise-class and Venture Star-class is in jeopardy.

The Federation senate grows increasingly worried about the large drain the production of these ships puts on Federation resources and may call for both programs to be cancelled. More information as it becomes declassified. Vice-President Jellico, ignoring Federation Council wishes, directed large amounts of Sol system resources to the Venture Star project and many others at Utopia Planetia.

::UPDATE:: Level alpha red classified eyes only.
Starship was stolen when on warp testing maneuvers outside the sol system by renegade admiral bryan cash and defecting fighter squadron the EDF 7th.Venture Star was seized and flown presumably to the briar patch and the baku planet.Her status as of February 2405 is unknown.

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