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Veska, a four planet system on several major trade routes, is a class M planet inhabited by the Veskansand known for its status as a highly secure trade port. Veskan society is organized along strictly libertarian lines, with an elected government that exists strictly to manage interstellar relations, and most planetary rules of conduct are handled through the non-governmental Board of Trade. Composed of shipping industry leaders, this Board handles all major commercial decisions for the planet and resolves contractual disputes, as well as maintaining the security forces that provide protection for merchants in the system.

While customer and merchant anonymity is heavily protected, even from the government, the Board does have the power to issue a Writ of Compulsion, a document suspending all normal legal protections in a matter, if it feels that planetary trade interests are threatened. These Writs are issued rarely, averaging perhaps one every five years, and viewed as a last-ditch measure by the Board.

Veskans, the native species of the system, are four-armed humanoid without visible hair. They tend to have very long, drawn faces dominated by prominent hooked noses, which combined with their naturally pale and violent-tinged skin tone gives them a very serious appearance. This is augmented by their tendency toward long robes reminiscent of judicial attire on Earth in the 20th century. They have extremely long, dexterous fingers and excellent coordination, and their native sports all require the use of all four hands with considerable precision.

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