Klingon-Cardassian Alliance

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Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
Basic information
Major Species:
  • Klingons
  • Cardassians
  • Terrans
  • Bajorans
  • Betazoids
  • Trill

Quo'nos (Mirror)

Official Language:


Political Information

Military Dictatorship

  • Regent Martok
  • Legate Dukat
Military Branches:
  • Alliance Space Fleet
[ Source ]

The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance is the ruling power of the Alpha Quadrant in the Mirror Universe, believed to be a force without equal in its version of the Milky Way until the arrival of the Dominion.


Rise and the Terran Rebellion

The Alliance rose from the union of the Klingon Empire and the Cardassian Union during their long war against the exceptionally aggressive Terran Empire. When the Terrans began to disarm under the leadership of Emperor Spock, the Alliance took to opportunity to destroy the Empire, enslaving their former enemies and reducing Earth to charred ash.

The Terrans (the Mirror Universe term for humanity) were scattered across the Alliance, used as slave populations in labor ranging from mining and ore processing to farming to pleasure. However, on the station Terok Nor in orbit of Alliance member Bajor, a rebellion rose. It soon moved to the Badlands, before taking Terok Nor from the Alliance. With help from officers of the United Federation of Planets, the Terran Rebellion built a powerful warship to defend Terok Nor with. Eventually, they managed to capture the current leader of the Alliance, Regent Worf.

After Worf's capture, the Alliance's leadership deposed him as leader, electing one of his political enemies, Intendant Martok of Veska, as the new Regent. Martok, realizing that the Alliance was ill-equipped to fight a force as mobile and determined as the Rebellion, Martok began a massive retooling of the Alliance fleet, concentrating more on smaller, more agile vessels over the huge warships built during Worf's term. Martok also began to reform the Alliance's long-neglected intelligence services, using it to infiltrate the Rebellion. In the end, this was the action that ended the Rebellion - a Terran leader named Jay Enigma gave Martok's spies the information needed to put down the Rebellion, in return for humanity being given a new homeworld and a place as a full member of the Alliance.

The Dominion

In 2401, a stable spatial rift opened in the Bajoran system. Through this rift came the Dominion's fleets. Within hours, they had destroyed Terok Nor and taken Bajor, giving time for only a small fraction of Bajor's population to be evacuated. The Dominion then began to spread, attacking multiple key systems. The Alliance was taken utterly by surprise, and even the competent leadership of Regent Worf, Legate Dukat, and the various Intendants could not match the simple fact that the Dominion's military outclassed that of the Alliance in every way. The Alliance has managed, through various methods, to slow the advance of the Dominion through the Alpha Quadrant... but even the most optimistic forecasts show the Alliance as the eventual loser of the war.

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