Jay Enigma (Mirror)

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Cestus III (Mirror)












240 lbs


Klingon-Cardassian Alliance




Intendant of New Earth





[ Source ]

"Humanity shall be the future of the Quadrant... if we survive to see it."
    —Jay Enigma

Jay Enigma is the current Intendant of New Earth, serving under the Cardassian-Klingon Alliance. By the Terran Independence Movement, he is called the Betrayer.


Slavery and the Terran Rebellion

As were many humans of his era, Jay Enigma was a slave, working in the manufacturing plants of Klingon-controlled Cestus. He began that work as a child - a mere nine years old. He was always considered charismatic, and was an early member of the Terran Rebellion after it spread beyond the Bajoran Sector, leading a group of escaped slaves to take a Klingon Bird of Prey and escape into the Badlands.

Enigma quickly rose through the ranks of the Rebellion, coming to lead one of its larger cells. Those who worked under him saw him as a hero; however, those closest to him saw another side - Enigma was a man seeking power, who had joined the Rebellion not to free humanity but to free and advance his own interests. However, even with these personality flaws, his talents were such that the Rebellion's leadership could not ignore him. By the time that the Rebellion began true offensives against the Alliance, Enigma led one of its most influential cells, perhaps second only to Miles O'Brien's cell on Terok Nor.

No one except Enigma knows the true reason for his betrayal. He has given dozens of answers - everything ranging from a selfish profit motive to a discovery that the Alliance had some technology that could destroy humanity if the Rebellion continued. Regardless, though, Enigma handed over crucial tactical and strategic data to the Alliance, allowing them to surround the full force of the Rebellion's armada and force them to surrender while simultaneously destroying Terok Nor and the Defiant. In return for this information, Enigma secured nominal freedom for humanity and a new homeworld - New Earth, a world in the Alpha Centauri system. He was also named Intendant of New Earth, the planent's military governor under the Alliance.

The Dominion

The Dominion came through the wormhole on Enigma's fiftieth birthday. The attack came as a complete surprise to the Alliance - having not located the Bajoran Wormhole, they could have no way of knowing about the great power that rested just on the other side of it. Within days, Bajor was reduced to rubble; in weeks the Alliance found itself in a slow retreat on all fronts. It was Enigma who went before Regent Martok, Legate Dukat, and the other Alliance members with the plan - instead of fighting the Dominion, the Alliance should choose a weaker target, someone whose home they could take and move to, out of the Dominion's reach. While the Klingons and Regent Martok opposed the plan, Legate Dukat agreed with it, and met secretly with Enigma, as well as the Intendants of Gorn and Betazed. They decided that they should send a vessel to the other universe, the one from which Kirk had come so long ago, and see if the Federation was ripe for conquest.

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