Jack Pearce

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Captain (O-3) Jack "Slider" Pearce is currently assigned to the USS Enterprise (NX-1701-F) as CO of SFCV-1 The Grim Reapers.


Personal Details

  • Full Name: Jack Pearce
  • Callsign: Slider
  • Species: Human
  • DOB: January 5, 2366
  • Place of Birth: Montreal, Canada, Earth
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Family:
    • Mother: Lieutenant Commander Tamara Pearce (Ret.)
    • Father: Gregory Pearce (Deceased)

Service Record

2384 - Enters Starfleet Academy, Accelerated Starfighter Pilot Training Program (ASPTP)

2386 – Completes ASPTP, Granted rank of Ensign (O-1) assigned to SFV-130 “Jolly Rogers” aboard the USS Intrepid.

2388 – Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2) and made Flight Two leader after actions during the battle of Deep Space Nine.

2390 – Transferred to SFV-83 “Rampagers” aboard the USS Triton.

2393 – Ramagers transferred to Starbase 1.

2394 – Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3), Made Squadron XO.

2397 – Rampagers attached to task group dispatched to Alpha Centauri. Rampagers disbanded after taking heavy losses at Alpha Centauri. Pearce transferred to SFV-101 “Grim Reapers” aboard Starbase 1.

2398 – Promoted to Squadron CO after Battle of Sol. Due to heavy losses, Grim Reapers re-designated a training squadron.

2403 – SFV-10 Integrated into Starfighter command, re-designated 10th EDF Squadron.

2405 – Grim Reapers returned to full operational status, transferred to USS Enterprise, re-designated SFCV-1.


Born January 5th 2366 in Montreal, Canada, Earth to then Lieutenant Tamara Pearce and civilian Gregory Pearce he spent most of his early life there while his father taught at McGill University and his mother was assigned to the Starfleet Science ministry as Admiral Gordon Hudson’s personal shuttle pilot. The relative peace of Jack’s life was disrupted in 2373 with the outset of the Dominion war and his mother’s subsequent reassignment to the USS Juno. During the Dominion war, Jack watched an aerobatics display conducted by SFV-1, the first Starfleet starfighter squadron and realized his calling was as a pilot.

The outbreak of the Borg war in 2382 strengthened Jack’s desire to serve and despite objections from his father, in 2384 Jack enlisted in the ASPTP, a program developed to quickly fill empty slots in Starfleet’s many newly commissioned starfighter squadrons. In 2386 Jack completed his training and was assigned to SFV-130 the “Jolly Rogers” aboard the USS Intrepid. Showing a natural talent for flight Jack first cut his teeth in the Battle of Ferenginar, scoring three shared kills against Borg scout ships. Jack served with distinction in the “Jolly Rogers” being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and Second Flight leader in 2388 after the Battle of Deep Space 9.

In 2390 Jack was transferred to SVF-83 the “Rampagers” aboard the USS Triton, tasked with border patrol and convoy protection. He served aboard the USS Triton until 2393 when, in the aftermath of the Borg’s first incursion into the Sol system, The Rampagers were transferred to Starbase 1. In 2394 Jack was promoted to Lieutenant and squadron XO. In 2397 along with several other squadrons from Starbase 1, the Rampagers were attached to the task group sent to defend Alpha Centauri.

After the Battle of Alpha Centauri the Rampagers were disbanded due to heavy losses and the surviving pilots were integrated into other squadrons to fill empty slots. Jack was transferred to SFV-101 the “Grim Reapers” aboard Starbase 1, again taking the position of Squadron XO. Like most fighter squadrons the Grim Reapers took heavy casualties during the Battle of Sol, with only 5 surviving pilots, Jack was promoted to squadron CO and the squadron was saved from disbandment by being designated a training squadron. During the Battle of Sol Jack’s father was killed by the Borg’s orbital bombardment.

In 2403 the Grim Reapers survived the threat of disbandment again, with the establishment of Starfighter Command, the squadron again survived but remained in its training role as the 11th EDF squadron. With the transition to Starfighter Command, Jack’s rank was changed to Captain under the new rank structure. Finally, in 2405 the Grim Reapers were returned to full operational status, assigned to the USS Enterprise and re-designated SFCV-1, making it the pilot squadron in SFC’s program to once again deploy starfighter squadrons on starships.


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