Legion of Honor

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The Legion of Honor is an order within the Federation, and is one of the most distinguished honors a Starfleet officer can receive. Membership in the Legion is granted by either Starfleet officers with a rank of Vice Admiral or higher, or current members of the Legion ranked at Commandeur or higher. Notably, at least among the awards that can be earned by a modern Starfleet officer since the Borg War, it is one of the few Federation awards that cannot be granted strictly on the basis of valor, gallantry or heroism. A potential member of the Legion must have upheld the honor of the Federation through adherence to its [i]principles[/i] in some difficult and dangerous situation, and are expected to continue to do so as part of their duties to the order.

The Legion of Honor has the following ranks:

  • Chevalier
  • Officier
  • Commandeur
  • Grand Officier
  • Grand'Croix


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