Frank Gentry/ Miller (NPC)

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General Information

  • First name: Frank
  • Last name: Miller (formerly Gentry)
  • Home world: Earth
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth: 2354, Marcus Iowa, N. America, Earth
  • Affiliation: Starfleet (civilian contractor)
  • Posting: USS Ticonderoga
  • Position: Bartender, Aegis Lounge.
  • Age: 55

Physical Appearance

  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: 195 Pounds
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Black

Physical Description

Because of the facial and body changes performed by the Federation prison system and his age Frank is a bit heavier then before and now has a baby face. Though he now looks a touch paunchy, he is still very fit.

Personality & Traits

Rather quiet, even shy. Totally dedicated to being in Star Fleet. Frank has a special respect for SF marines, because he was once in the Corps.

Strengths & Weaknesses


1) Rather high reflexes.

2) Thinks in three dimensions.

3) Never losses his cool in the heat of battle.

Weaknesses: 1) Feels the pressure of standing out as a former memory wiped X-con

2) Franks past has been remembered. Now he must handle the oblibations and hurdles of that past.


With the way things are, he must now, at least in his mind find a different way to serve the Federation. He's not a 'Fleeter'...He's a grunt...His time in the Corps is over. Being a bartender is the way he has found that he can still serve the Federation.

Hobbies & Interests

Plays guitar and knows a lot about them. Has a very good knowledge of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century antiques.


Standard, some Klingon and some least the cuss words).


Father..........David Gentry (Deceased)

Mother..........Bridgette Gentry (Deceased)

Brother.........Micheal Gentry (Deceased)

Sister..........Kristine Gentry (Deceased)


Frank was released about thirty years ago from the Federation Prison System after undergoing a program that totally wiped his memory, surgically altered his face, height and weight. With these things, they supplied him a new identity. A year after his release, he was allowed to leave the halfway facility, at which time he joined Star Fleet.

After Recruit Training, Military Law Enforcement School and Space Training, he was assigned to the Star Fleet Security Detachment, at Camp John Glen MCB, Mars. During his time at the SF Marine Base, he was detached to other units for cross training and sent to quite a few combat oriented schools. Among them were:

Scout-Sniper School-SFMC Mountain Warfare Training School-SFMC Long Range Patrol-UFP Army

Among some of his detached duties:

3rd Marine Division Rifle Team (Their only Star Fleet enlisted man, ever). All Star Fleet Rifle Team. Basically, while with the Security Detachment, Frank spent less then two months working in his parent unit. During his time on the rifle team, he was talked into going ahead at changing services, to the Star Fleet Marine Corps. Why not he thought, he seemed to fit in better with the grunts.

After some difficulty, Frank was allowed to join the Marines. Though an E-7, when he joined, Miller was required to take a single grade reduction in rank and he had to attend recruit training at the Marine Recruit Depot at San Diego, North America, Earth. They were especially tough on him. He was considered, the foolish 'old man' or the worthless 'fleeter' trying to live with his 'betters'. Strangely enough, Frank thrived while in boot camp. And found that the serving in the Marine Flight Service appealed to him. After becoming a Marine he, with a little help from his friends, was able to attend Small craft school on Mars. He started training on shuttle craft, but it was found that his appearant abilities were being wasted on mere shuttle craft. The Corps decided to send Staff Sargent Miller to gunner's school.

In Gunner's School, Frank was required, not only to be a weapons specialist on an attack craft, but was also required that he learn to fly that attack craft. In this case a Redemption fighter. He did well in gunnery. In flight school, he seemed to already know how to pilot a fighter!

After graduation, Frank was promoted to Gunnery Sargent, and assigned to the USS Midway, as a gunner in VMFA-735.

Then, something happened. He remembered...

Formerly, Frank was Frank Gentry former crew member of the USS Laffey, who was found guilty of murdering a shuttle full of Orion prisoners. Though he knew he was innocent of this crime, he volunteered to under go a new rehabilitation program (Memory Wiping). During the separation/orientation program (halfway house), mind wiped former inmates are encouraged to join the military (what better way to keep an eye on them). Upon entry into the military (any job really), All COs are informed of the subject's Mind wiped status, though, not of who he was before the mind wipe. These records are sealed to protect the former inmate's rights, and to help insure that the x-con never learns of his own past. But...Now he remembered...all of it!

As it turned out. The real killer of the prisoners was found out two years after Gentry's mind wipe. Due to the fact that bringing a subject back from a mind wipe is supposed to be irreversible, it was decided to let Frank Gentry live on as Frank Miller. By the time his memories had come back the Federation was fighting for it's life against the Borg and Frank decided to keep his newer identity.

The Admiralty soon found out about Frank's discovery, and pulled him out of service, discharging him on medical grounds.

It took many years for Frank Miller to get back on a starship...This time it would be as a Bartender on the USS Ticonderoga.

Service Record

49586..........Entered Academy

53356..........Graduated from Academy and commissioned as 2nd Lt. the Marine Corps.

54216..........Assigned to USS-Laffey

54321.66..........Promoted to Commander of the Black Knight Sqd.

(Date ?)..........Assigned as temporary Commander of Marine Detachment. Fought in the boarder war against the Krazzle (and Romulans). While fighting on the planet Kaleb, Gentry ordered the illumination a some Romulan advisers. Though kept on the hush hush, this action came close to causing an intergalactic incident. Because the Romulans would not admit to having advisers on Kaleb, the Federation refused to charge Gentry of a war crime. Still, some in the Raeyan Sector came to know him as the 'Butcher of Kaleb'.

54471.55..........Promoted to 1st Lt.

(Date ?)..........Promoted to MCapt.

55618.6..........While with the USS Laffey a secret slave camp maintained by Orion Pirates, was discovered by the planet surface of Fultan VII. The Pirates were stopped and the survivors arrested, the slaves were freed and assistance given to them. As the prisoners were being shuttled to Laffey, a single Phaser blast destroyed the shuttle killing all on board. MCapt. Gentry was arrested for the murders and found guilty.

2381 to Present..........Franklin Gentry was given an experimental Mind Wipe, and given the new identity, Franklin Miller. A year after his release, he was allowed to leave the halfway facility, at which time he joined Star Fleet. After Recruit Training, Military Law Enforcement School and Space Training, he was assigned to the Star Fleet Security Detachment, at Camp John Glen MCB, Mars. During his time at the SF Marine Base, he was detached to other units for cross training and sent to quite a few combat oriented schools. Amoung them were:

Scout-Sniper School-SFMC

Mountain Warfare Training School-SFMC

Long Range Patrol-UFP Army

3rd Marine Division Rifle Team (Their only Star Fleet enlisted man, ever). All Star Fleet Rifle Team.

Due to being detached to other units, Frank spent less then two months, in total, working in his parent unit. After some difficulty, Frank was allowed to join the Marines. Though an E-7, when he joined, Miller was required to take a single grade reduction in rank and he had to attend recruit training at the Marine Recruit Depot at San Diego, North America, Earth. After becoming a Marine he, with a little help from his friends, was able to attend Small craft school on Mars. He started training on shuttle crafts, but it was found that his appearant abilities were being wasted on mere shuttle craft. The Corps decided to send Staff Sargent Miller to gunner's school. After graduation, Frank was promoted to Gunnery Sargent, and assigned to the USS Midway, as a gunner in VMFA-735, a Redemption fighter unit.

After recovering his memory, was discharged on medical grounds.

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