USS Endeavour

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USS Endeavour
The USS Endeavour in 2410
Affiliation: Starfleet
Registry: NCC-99801
Type: Heavy Enhanced Deterrence Cruiser
Class: Enterprise Class
CO: Peter Harrigan
First Mentioned: Stark Terms
Status: Under Construction
[ Source ]

"Ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go." - Captain James Cook

The USS Endeavour is the third and latest of the new state-of-the-art Enterprise-class starships. Following the USS Enterprise's extensive career in the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative and the USS Columbia's assignment to the Second Fleet, it was the judgement of Starfleet Command that the Endeavour, as the newest ship in the fleet, should be assigned to the First Fleet. This has been seen, both militarily and politically, as a commitment by the Admiralty to the Federation's internal security and border defence at a time when high-profile Starfleet projects have been focused elsewhere.

The Endeavour was controversially put under the command of Captain Peter Harrigan, an officer of experience in the First Fleet but of a more questionable reputation than might be expected for an assignment subject to much public scrutiny. The media have found the Endeavour to be a topic worthy of attention and evaluation. As a heavily armed and well-equipped vessel, opinions are divided on whether this places her as ideal for the defence of Federation space, or if this indicates a more heavy-handed attitude from Starfleet when it comes to the Endeavour's mandate of maintaining civil stability.

The Endeavour's hull was laid down in 2406 following the commission of the USS Columbia. Although her two predecessors have enjoyed the attention of multiple engineers and field experience to iron out the kinks in the state-of-the-art technology the Enterprise-class sports, the Endeavour is credited with having taken the best of that experience, and the years of continuing technological development, and her engineers have insisted her to be the most advanced ship in the fleet.


Previous Vessels to Bear the Name

The origin of the name Endeavour dates back to the HM Bark Endeavour, the ship of renowned British explorer Captain James Cook on his first Pacific voyage. The fame of this ship inspired the naming of multiple Earth naval vessels, and it is one of the oldest names in space exploration. Like the two previous Enterprise-class starships, the name harkens back to the original five NASA Orbiter Vehicles, Endeavour being the sixth and final space shuttle.

Endeavour NX-06

The Endeavour, NX-Class, was the sixth of its class (after Enterprise, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis). Constructed in the first year of the Earth-Romulan War, she was the first of her class to be built with the military upgrades that had been integrated with her predecessors. She survived the conflict, and went on to serve in the Federation Starfleet upon the formation of the UFP. She was decommissioned in 2183, remained in mothballs for fifty years, and in the early 23rd century was sold to the Museum of Colonial History on Taurus VI, which Endeavour had discovered in the late 2160s.

USS Endeavour NCC-1895

The Endeavour NCC-1895 was a Miranda-class starship in active service in the late 23rd century. Under the command of Captain Wise, she conducted multiple deep space exploration missions, and charted for the Federation a great deal of space in proximity to Klingon territory.

USS Endeavour NCC-71805

The Endeavour NCC-71805 was a Nebula-class starship in active service for the latter half of the 24th century. Under the command of Captain Amasov she was the only vessel in Admiral Hanson's fleet which survived the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2366, and participated in the Starfleet blockade in the Klingon Civil War of 2368.

The survival of Wolf 359 and the Endeavour`s participation in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373 rendered Captain Amasov and the rest of the Endeavour's crew as the most experienced unit in Starfleet in confrontations with the Borg other than the USS Enterprise herself and the USS Voyager. Consequentially, they were posted to some of the most vital early engagements come the outbreak of the Borg War, and the Endeavour was a highly accoladed warship, receiving several technological refits.

The USS Endeavour NCC-71805 was destroyed in battle with the Borg in 2396.

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