Samuel Shaw

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Samuel Shaw









USS Endeavour


SABRE Detachment CO





[ Source ]

Lieutenant-Major Samuel Shaw is SABRE's Detachment Commander aboard the USS Endeavour. Having earnt a considerable reputation for himself as a competent commander, ruthless tactician and sharpshooter - he is constantly dogged by his origin. He is one of the fifty successful products of the Advent program, Starfleet's first attempt at Augments since the Eugenic Wars. Lacking any real upbringing other than the one imprinted upon him has made Samuel a somewhat difficult individual. Many say that he is driven solely by the mission whilst others have claimed there is more to him than just a stern professional.


Personal Details


Father: Matthew Shaw (Deceased)

Mother: Isabelle Suarez (Deceased)

Sister: Sidney Shaw (31)

Physical appearance

Shaw is at peak physical fitness for his age, mostly a result of his genetically manipulated heritage. Just over six feet tall he cuts an imposing image in uniform. His black hair is routinely kept at regulation length which is somewhat indicative of the rest of his personality. In short he appears as a quiet, clean and efficient officer.

Service Record

  • 2398 – Basic SFMI Training
  • 2399 – USS Avenger, Second Lieutenant (Marine Corps)
  • 2401 – SABRE Training at Camp Ares, Florida
  • 2403 - USS Prometheus, SABRE Executive Officer
  • 2405 – SABRE Instructor at Camp Ares, San Diego
  • 2407 – USS Thunderchild, SABRE Detachment Commander
  • 2410 – Present: USS Endeavour, SABRE Detachment Commander


According to Starfleet records, Samuel was born on Alpha Centauri in 2375 to Matthew and Isabelle Shaw. His father was born in Atlantic City and later moved to Alpha Centauri where he became a chef and later opened his own restaurant. It was there he met Isabelle Suarez, a newly graduated nurse and later his wife. They had two children, Samuel and Sidney. Despite their friends’ advice to the contrary they liked the rhyming quality of the names.

Samuel was a average child. His test scores indicated that he was not particularly bright and seemed destined for a career other than the one he wanted. From the day he was able to talk Samuel wanted to join Starfleet. Many nights were spent watching the night sky and the shuttles ferrying people to and from the nearby starbase. He submitted his application to Starfleet on his 18th birthday in 2096. The same year the Borg came to Alpha Centauri. Although the invaders were eventually repelled the death toll totaled in the thousands. Whilst both his parents were killed, his younger sister was able to make it to the evacuation shuttles and later aboard the USS Jericho where she later served. Although his body was never identified, Samuel Shaw died as well.

The man now using his identity is one of the few surviving Advent augments. His ‘actual’ name is Ezekiel Sixteen after a passage from the Bible. His creator, Dr. Paige Dyer was somewhat religious and found it fitting though Ezekiel and his brothers felt it was somewhat of a joke at their expense. The objective of the Advent Project was to combine the outdated and illegal augment technology with recent breakthroughs as well as the Dominion’s cloning technology in the hope of creating supersoldiers. Only fifty were commissioned and of those barely thirty survived gestation. These ‘lucky few’ were integrated into the SFMC under the pretence of specialists although the reality was little more than an experiment. The project hoped to perfect a method of mass producing physically superior soldiers to use against the Borg. They were mostly successful.

Ezekiel was much like his brothers. Their childhood was an illusion, a series of memories implanted into their subconscious whilst they were speed grown in vats. The first eighteen years of his life took no longer than two in reality. During this time he was subjected to vigorous training and the best education fictional money could afford. Though they were considerably less superhuman than their Eugenic War ancestors the Advent augments were still smarter, faster and stronger than the average human. Once he had grown used to the world outside their hologram Ezekiel was posted to serve with the 201st Special Infantry who were currently posted to the Core of the Federation.

He first saw action on the research station of Jupiter Station in 2393. When the Borg began their assault the 201st were amongst the first to respond. Despite his training nothing could have prepared him for the soulless onslaught of the Borg. Over two thirds of his unit were wiped out or assimilated but he survived with only superficial damage. Just how different he was had been driven home and this sense of disconnection grew steadily worse as the war continued. As the Borg pushed deeper into the Sol system, Ezekiel was often there to greet them as every time the Federation fell further back.

Ezekiel was unaware of what became of his siblings. He always assumed that they were given similar posts to himself on the front lines. In 2396 during his time in the Andorian system he received word from the Advent project administrators that he was to return for further training. In a strange twist of fate the Borg had them under siege and so he was unable to return immediately. A few weeks afterward he received another message – this time from one of his brothers. Some of his fellow augments had encountered each other at various stages during the war and stayed in contact. They had all received the same instruction to return as him except that those who had were never heard from again. The few surviving augments had intercepted messages detailing the closure of the project and their eradication.

Unable to leave the 201st he was trapped in the Andorian system for almost a year. Caution turned into paranoia as he tried to keep his continued existence a secret from his creators. Eventually the 201st evacuated Andoria in the face of the Borg vanguard and retreated to the Sol system.

In 2397 eight Borg vessels entered the orbit of Alpha Centauri. Due to the planet’s close proximity to Earth the Federation’s response was to dispatch the beleaguered Fourth Fleet and attached infantry to the planet’s defense. Ezekiel’s squad made landfall outside the town of New Tennessee where the Borg had already begun assimilating the occupants. The 201st took the town hall and began evacuating the populace as quickly as they could.

It took three months before to completely destroy the Borg presence. The fight was long and bloody as the 201st held the line long enough to ferry what remained of the populace off world. With hundreds dead and many who fell to the Borg being assimilated, it was a simple task to steal the identity of one of the many casualties and slip aboard an evacuation vessel. Ezekiel Sixteen was declared Killed In Action whilst Samuel Shaw returned from the dead.

‘Samuel’ was provided with a standard reparations package upon his arrival on Earth. Little more than a bed in a shelter as millions of refugees made their way to the heart of the Federation. After a few months it became clear that he could not cope outside of the military, let alone amidst the chaos of Earth. He enlisted in the Starfleet Marine Corp in 2398.

Taking care to hide his actual experience Samuel quickly qualified for active service, unknowingly fulfilling his namesake’s wish. He had risen to the rank of Second Lieutenant by the first day of the Battle of Sol. He served aboard the USS Avenger and fought at Utopia Planitia where he received a battlefield promotion to First Lieutenant. He spent the rest of the war participating in warning actions and evacuating the few worlds left between Earth and the Borg.

With the end of the war came an offer to join the recently formed SABRE Corps. Samuel moved to the training camp at Camp Ares, Florida. He spent the next three years undergoing the most challenging training of his life where he excelled in sharpshooting and CQC. His first assignment was to the USS Prometheus where he served as Executive Officer until he was offered a teaching position in 2405. He returned to Camp Ares to train SABRE operatives until he was offered a leadership of the SABRE squad aboard the USS Thunderchild in 2407. Samuel served with distinction and in 2410 he was given the prestigious assignment of Detachment Commander aboard the USS Endeavour.

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