Robert Callahan

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Personal Details

Name: Robert Callahan

Age: 38

Date of Birth: May 4th, 2365

Place of Birth: Taurus IV

Family: Father: Logan Callahan (Director of Starfleet Special Investigations) | Mother: Annie Driscoll (Presumed Deceased) | Uncle: Gregory Driscoll

Interests: Criminal Psychology, Military History (Federation and Earth), 19th Century Earth Literature, Hiking, Classical Literature.

Medical Details

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 179 lbs.

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Blue

Physical Appearance: Callahan is a surprisingly tall man, something that ever helps him stand out in a crowd, but can be irritating for him when attempting to navigate Jefferies Tubes and small shuttles. He balances out his height somewhat by being a rather lanky fellow, stronger than his wiry frame would suggest but having little bulk about him. Years of warfare sent many Starfleet preferences of appearances out of the window; his dark hair is usually worn long, tied back neatly but ignoring many regulations. A touch of grey beginning to creep in at the temples prompted him to grow a neat goatee. But despite these infractions Callahan is always found to have an appearance which is neat and professional.

Medical History: Callahan has most of the injuries which would be expected from years of war. His left arm has been broken on two separate occasions, once on an away mission in 2391, and then during the Battle of Sol in 2398. On the second occasion, some slightly more permanent damage was done, as he went two days on the bridge without receiving treatment. Apart from this, he has sustained the usual number of insignificant phaser injuries and other bumps and bruises which are expected from Starfleet life. But Callahan keeps himself in good physical condition and is healthy enough to deal with most injuries or maladies which may afflict him.

Starfleet Record

Rank: Captain

Assignment: Commanding Officer, USS Perseus NCC-78386


Service Record:

  • 2383 - 2387: Starfleet Academy; Officer Candidate (Cadet)
  • 2387 - 2390: USS Thunderchild; Security Investigations Officer (Ensign)
  • 2390 - 2393: USS Thunderchild; Chief of Security (Lieutenant Junior Grade)
  • 2393 - 2397: USS Thunderchild; Chief of Security/Second Officer (Lieutenant)
  • 2397 - 2398: USS Thunderchild; Executive Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
  • 2398 - 2403: USS Thunderchild; Commanding Officer (Commander)
  • 2403 - Present: USS Perseus; Commanding Officer (Captain)
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