Omega particles

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Omega Particles are an extremely unstable molecule with enough internal energy to destroy a civilization by disrupting subspace and making warp travel impossible.

Omega can be synthesized from Boronite Ore, and can consist of one molecule or as a cluster. The more there are, the more danger it represents. In one instance, an Omega molecule was created by scientists on a base in the Lantaru Sector. Omega destabilized and exploded, destroying the base and disrupting subspace throughout the sector.

The Borg refer to it as Particle 010 and consider it a model of perfection as it consists of a very complex pattern of energy making one stable whole. Seven of Nine's attitude towards it was almost religious.

Because of its dangerous nature, all Starfleet admirals and captains did have a standing order, the Omega Directive, to destroy all Omega particles. This can be done relatively safely with a special "gravimetric charge". Since it makes a tempting power source, its existence is a closely guarded secret, information about it limited to Starfleet captains and flag officers.A "new" omega directive now replaces the old.

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