Talk:Oakland Shipyards

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Revision as of 16:14, 7 November 2005 by RadmCash (Talk | contribs)
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Some mild conjecture but most of the 'it does experimental refitting' is based on other infobase entries. At the time of writing it's the most wanted article we have so I figured I'd get it off the ground, even if it's just a stub. I didn't include what they're doing now for an extraordinarilly good reason. I don't know. :) - Chris 08:37, 3 November 2005 (EST)

looks good. - Cash

Are they still around? After a quick browse I can't see anything launched here since the BoS - I'm just thinking, there were a lot of shipyards in Sol before the war, most of them around Earth.

  • San Fran
  • a russian one (cosmodome)
  • Utopia
  • Oakland
  • McKinley (earth)
  • Traquility Base (Luna - seen in "In a mirror darkly" - twas where the Defiant was built - maybe gone now)
  • Marin County Yards

It'd make sense (in my mind) to clean some of these up - say they were destroyed in the war - that way you don't have so many places to build (not to mention so many docks close to each other, Oakland, Marin and San Fran?) - One option would be to have all the above in a single entry as there wouldn't be much to say about them individually - but have UP with it's own entry given that so much happens there nowadays. "Federation Shipyards" or just "Shipyards" if you want to include the Dominion ones and stuff. - Chris 03:59, 4 November 2005 (EST)

San Fran (still there just not as important anymore) a russian one (gone destroyed) Utopia (being rebuilt) Oakland (still there) McKinley (not sure what to do with this one.) Traquility Base (Destroyed when i crashed a huge colony ship into the moon) Marin County Yards(gone destroyed in the war)

You crashed a colony ship into the moon? That's uh... dumb. :P Any chance of unlocking Space Facilities? It seems as good a place as any for adding details. You can have paragraphs there for each one and for any that actually have enough data to warrant an individual article, you can have "Main Article located here ____" --Chris 08:46, 7 November 2005 (EST)

Nope its going stay locked for now And yes it was stupid but hot damn boy it sure was fun!.-Cash

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