Talk:SABRE Ranks
From FEInfobase
Enlisted SABRE's
Any ideas on names for Enlisted SABRE Ranks? Do we want to move the Normal ones over from the old Marine Rank listing?
You could cut the lower ones off. Them being Spec Ops, you can only apply to get in once you've reached a certain rank. I think I was once told that the SAS ignore everybody until they're at least 24, you could have a similar theory with the ranks. Or, you could have it so that when you're transferred from the MI, you automatically get the rank or Private or 2Lt.
I'd also lose Warrant Officers. Then I'd consider drastically thinning out the enlisted positions. Something along the lines of just having Private (if you want them this low), Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sergeant and perhaps Staff Sergeant. The selling point for BF having hundreds of enlisted ranks is that you can get promoted more, but what always seems to happen is players just get accepted as Gunnery Sergeant from the off. Take that opportunity away, and you'll hopefully lessen the number of applications looking for a character from Full Metal Jacket. - Chris 09:32, 24 November 2005 (EST)
You know the problem with cutting out the lower officer ranks, is that rank tarts will choose to be a SABRE for the higher ranks. If anything I'd expect SABRE's to spend longer at lower ranks than normal FMI's, because they spend more time training or doing special things they don't get much recognition for.
The warrent ranks will go mind, and enlisted will be cut down dramatically.
- ~Dan 10:08, 24 November 2005 (EST)