Silver Group

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The Silver Group, formerly known as the "Silver Society" and cynically nicknamed "The Clark Consiracy" by some, is a pro-active political pressure group for the protection of firearms rights in America, Earth, founded in 2356 by Thomas Clark. The Silver Group refers to itself as a civil rights group and claims that the right to bear arms on Earth is an intrinsic, unalienable right. Critics of the group have claimed that its interests expand beyond weapons rights and it is involved in the corruption of politics at the Federation Council. These claims have never been proven.


The Silver Group refers to itself as a "democratic and open collaboration" though it is led in practice by an unelected Chairman who is often given the role by the body's main investors (until recent laws made the practice illegal, the group was partly funded by the government). It is currently chaired by Elton Clark, 50, a former marine officer who did not serve in the Borg War. Clark is the second son of the group's founder, Thomas Clark. His older brother Randall enlisted in the Marine Corps and was killed in the line of duty in 2385 on the front lines. Elton Clark has claimed that his brother's ground unit was not given enough firepower to defend itself; Starfleet has always denied this though Clark has used the tale to gather anti-fleet support. He is seen as a charismatic and popular chairman who has brought the group more exposure and influence since he took the position in 2399. He changed the long standing name of the group from 'Silver Society,' robbing critics of the opportunity to exploit the 'SS' abbreviation.

Political Lobby

The Silver Group has traditionally been a relatively low-impact lobby, delivering moderate numbers of votes in city, state and national elections to candidates who endorse its views. It is officially non-partisan and has endorsed candidates from multiple demographics however it is viewed by differing critics as having both a liberal and conservative bias. Its history of endorsement reflects an agreement with a majority of conservative politicians. Its stated policy is that it will endorse any incumbent who supports their positions, even if the challenger supports them as well.

Since 2399 and the beginning of the Clark Chairmanship, the group has grown in size and influence, with a number of local organisations appearing across the country in areas where public weapon ownership is discouraged. The group's base is located in Los Angeles, California, and there is a growing group developing in San Francisco, due to the group's newfound interest in Federation Council elections.

Under Clark, the group has become a vocal critic of Starfleet, due in large part to the Fleet's desires to impose stringent and in some cases, complete bans on civilians owning offensive weapons.

The Silver Group has traditionally opposed new arms-control legislation in favor of stricter enforcement of existing laws prohibiting convicted felons and violent criminals from possessing firearms, increased sentences for firearm-related crime, and "right-to-carry" laws expediting the process in many states of receiving a concealed weapon license. Clark has not publically stated that these are still the views of the group under his leadership and it has been suggested by some commentators that he is personally against increased sentancing for crimes committed with firearms. Regarding the issue, Clark has been uncharacteristically quiet, going only so far as to say, "A crime is a crime no matter the circumstances. A person should be judged based upon the severity of the crime, not the nature of it." This line has been interpreted in a variety of fashions by different commentators.


The Silver Group has faced accusations of involvement in political corruption for decades; specifically violating ethics laws regarding vote stacking and candidate endorsement with the aid of government funds. The group's third Chairman, Melissa Connelly was arressted and convicted on charges of grevious financial and ethical misconduct on Alpha Centauri in 2366, where it was revealed she was attempting to bribe senior government officials in an attempt to kickstart a Centauri sect for the Society. The conviction lost the Silver Society a deal of public support and the group was in decline for a number of years afterwards.

Current Chairman Clark has been accussed of xenophobia, defrauding the public and embezzlement. Regarding the latter charge, a case was brought before a Los Angeles court in 2402, but dismissed without trial by the judge.

Less recognised accusations levelled at the group include that it is a national propoganda machine run entirely by the government in an attempt to feign public opposition, or that its real purpose is not merely to push a political agenda, but to overthrow the government. Clark is fond of referencing the latter in a humourous manner at rallies.

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