Defiant Class

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Re-Development of Defiant Class

Originally designed as a heavy escort the Defiant class starship became an important class in the defence of the Federation since the first vessel of its class was launched in 2372.

In 2390 the production of Defiant class starships was on a high. Starfleet saw the potential of this ship being one of many classes that could help in the fight against the Borg. Since its launch in 2373 the Defiant class with many tweaks and refits became quite a successful class to service the Starfleet. They became quite a sight through out the Federation acting as escorts and guards for Starfleet installations.

Wanting to keep ahead of the Borg, Starfleet Tactical submitted for the Defiant class to be enhanced with only a few minor tactical upgrades. These upgrades including the change over to a Type XV array which encircled the Bridge module. Resources to fight the Borg were starting to get short so the Defiant’s torpedo compliment was slightly adjusted. Her fighters were also removed in favour of the shuttlebay just housing one Type 10 shuttle and two type 18 shuttlepods.

With improvements being made to the warp drive the Defiant was tested to use trelinium crystals as catalyst for the matter/antimatter reaction chamber. The alteration didn’t change the Defiant’s performance at warp except give her an extra hour while at her emergency maximum warp speeds. The Corps of Engineering improved the structural integrity of the ship allowing for the ship to withstand these higher speeds and improvements.

The first starship to receive these improvements was the newly built USS Mikhail Kalashinikov NCC 74477-A. Her captain noted the difference and at how well the ship was responding to the upgrades. By 2395 all Defiant class starships were refitted to the new specifications.

Summary of Re-Development

  • 2386: Starfleet Tactical propose possible upgrades to improve the performance of Defiant Class starships. Starfleet Command endorses the proposal. A Re-Development group is assembled to review the Defiant class.
  • 2388: Design Brief is submitted for approval as Borg War heats up. New enhancements will be made to the ship’s tactical and propulsion systems.
  • 2389: Work on first Defiant class starship to be built with improvements begins. New impulse engines delivered and installed. New EPS system brought online. Computer cores are activated and ship functions begin to be transferred from station control to ship control. Computer systems are now operating at 80%. A re-designed trelinium powered warp core is fixed. Warp core begins primary testing.
  • 2390: Primary and secondary chassis's now at 100% completion. The latest bio-neural circuitry is installed to help computer processing and ship operations. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Type XV phaser array installed encircling the bridge module. Warp stress coating is applied. Warp Core passes Review Three and it tested to 100% peak.
  • 2391: Auxiliary craft compliment altered to allow more cargo to be held. Adjustments are also made to torpedo arsenal.
  • 2392: On 27th August 2392 USS Mikhail Kalashinikov NCC 74477 - A is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Sean Thompson takes command of the ship. The ship is assigned to the remains of the fourth fleet’s task force twenty one
  • 2399: Oakland Shipyards begins construction of seven Defiant class starships. Construction of USS Defiant NCC 74205 – B is moved to Earth Station McKinley.
  • 2400: On 2nd January 2400 USS Defiant NCC 74205 – B is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Captain Gabriel Winthorpe takes command of the ship. USS Defiant is ordered to begin re-exploring the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
  • 2401: USS Defiant returns to Earth for repairs and command of the vessel is transferred to Commander Claire Swiftcloud after the tragic death of Commodore Gabriel Winthorpe. USS Defiant returns to re-exploring the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Construction of five of the ships is completed. On 17th November 2401, USS Bozeman NCC 1914-D, USS Valiant NCC 74210 – B, USS Stahl NCC 90027 and USS Yosemite NCC 90028 are officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief joint ceremony. Bridge plaques are put in pride of place. Commander Nicholas Bateson assumes takes command of the USS Bozeman. Captain Dorian Collins takes command of the USS Valiant. Lieutenant Commander Lance Brandon takes command of the USS Stahl. Lieutenant Commander Mettus takes command of USS Yosemite. All five ships are assigned to the Earth Defence Force and begin their two year shakedown cruise.
  • 2402: On 21st June 2402 USS Warhawk NCC 90029 is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief ceremony. Bridge plaque is put in pride of place and Lieutenant Commander Andrus Hagan takes command of the ship. The Warhawk is assigned to escort small conveys of freighters to and from the Alpha Centauri system.

Technical Specifications For Defiant Class Ships

Category: Escort/Scout - Uprated Expected Duration: 15 yrs Time Between Resupply: 1 month Time Between Refit: 1 Year


Hybrid bioneural/isolinear circuitry

Primary fusion reactors: output 4.9 EJ/hr

Secondary fusion reactors: output 3.8 EJ/hr

Tractor beam: type-X ( Range 2.0 km )

Sensors: advanced lateral and long range output/retrieval systems

Warp core: M/ARA ( Using a Trelinium Powered Core )


Cruising speed: Warp 5

Maximum speed: Warp 9

Emergency speed: Warp 9.55 (for 3 hours )


Officer: 10

Enlisted: 40

Marines: 8

Auxiliary Craft:

Shuttle bays: 1


1 type-10 cargo shuttles

2 type-18 shuttle pods



Type-U (4 fixed mounts on warp nacelles)

Type-XV (1 under main deflector and 1 encircling Bridge module)


4 launchers (2 forward in a secure weapons cache, 2 aft, beside warp nacelles )

Hellfire: 16

Photon: 100

Quantum: 70

Transphasic: 4

Tri cobalt: 6


Ablative Armour Type I

Ablative Armour Type II

Multi Layered Shielding System

Starfleet / Romulan Cloaking Device


Height: 35.9 meters

Width: 107.9 meters

Length: 157.5 meters

Decks: 4

Additional Information

Currently, there are 7 in service with 3 building per year. 128 were lost during the Borg War.

  • USS Defiant NCC 74205 - B

Assigned to 4th Fleet (Codename: FUTILITY'S END) Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative Task Force

  • USS Mikhail Kalashinikov NCC 74477 - A

Assigned to Earth Defence Force

  • USS Bozeman NCC 1914 - D

Assigned to Earth Defence Force

  • USS Valiant NCC 74210 - B

Assigned to Earth Defence Force

  • USS Stahl NCC 90027

Assigned to Earth Defence Force

  • USS Yosemite NCC 90028

Assigned to Earth Defence Force

  • USS Warhawk NCC 90029

Assigned escort duties between Sol and Alpha Centauri systems

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