Hot Shots

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This article is currently incomplete. The given reason is: needs an events summary - Chris 15:20, 9 April 2006 (EDT)
"Hot Shots"
Star Trek: The Angry Apes episode
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Episode no. APE-01
Start Date May 05
Finish Date Apr 06
Story Cath Stinton
Director Cath Stinton
Guest star(s) None
Previous episode
Stardate 78883.2 Year 2404
Next episode
"Surly Bonds of Earth"
Starfleet faces a crisis of identity with the loss of heroes such as Picard and Janeway and seeks to counter that by building up its fighter squadrons in the press, specifically the Angry Apes of Zephyria Base on Mars. By lauding the squadron's new leader, Major Joseph Ryan, and supplying him with the best pilots available, they hope to create a fighting force that not only protects the system's inhabitants, but instills pride in them as well.


Background Information

  • The episode shares its name with the 1991 parody of the popular 1980's fighter plane film "Top Gun".
  • This was the pilot episode for the Angry Apes Simm - Futility's End's only fighter-based group.
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