Talk:USS T'Kumbra

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Revision as of 11:29, 19 April 2006 by Chris (Talk | contribs)
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For some reason, this article, though visually titled USS T'Kumbra as it is now, was actually different, because an alternate apostrophe was used when it was created. When you type in punctuation to something such as a web address bar, it gets converted so "USS T'Kumbra" becomes "USS_T%27Kumbra" This was what was different. Though it appeared to be an apostrophe, it was actually a different symbol so links within the database that were written [[USS T'Kumbra]] with a correct apostrophe went to a dead page because the real page was something like "USS_T^%(%Kumbra".

So I moved it. :) - theChris 07:29, 19 April 2006 (EDT)

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