User talk:Spock

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Revision as of 23:03, 8 October 2006 by Spock (Talk | contribs)
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Personal Details

Name: Desmond Morris

Age: 44

Date of Birth: August 16th, 2338

Place of Birth: Earth.

Species: Human

Family: Father: Louis Morris (Deceased) Mother: Alice Morris (Currently residing on Earth North Africa) Brother: Commander Stannley Morris(Deceased, Borg war)

Interests: Ancient literature, Rock climbing, Poetry.

Medical Details

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 210 lbs.

Hair Colour:Brown with grey at his temples

Eye Colour: Blue

Physical Appearance: Desmond is a average height robust older man who because of the daily

rigors of his job has let his former excellent physique decline in recent years.

Medical History

Desmond walks with a limp on his left side after suffering a broken leg during one of the last

battles of the dominion war he was unable to get immediate medical attention and has never taken

the time in recent years to get the damaged leg fully repaired.He also has a slight impairment

in his right eye that as of yet as not caused him sight troubles.

Starfleet Record


Assignment: Chief Engineer, USS Ronald Reagan

Service Record:

2356 - 2361: Starfleet Academy; Officer Candidate (Cadet)

2361-2364: Uss Republic; Ensign engineering officer

2364-2369: Uss Triest;Lieutenant Warp core specialist

2369-2374: Uss Triest Lt.commander promoted to chief engineering officer.

2374-2381:Reassigned san fan shipyards to oversee construction of Uss Boston

2381-Reassigned to Uss Ronald Reagan as Chief engineering officer

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