Jurdos Wezol

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Jurdos Wezol



El-Aurian homeworld




July 27th, 2256




Dark Brown


1.77 meters (5'10")


68 kg (150 lbs)




Lieutenant Commander



[ Source ]



Jurdos looks to be in his early thirties. He is of average height and weight, he has grey eyes, dark brown hair, and his hair is long (near to the middle of his back) and usually tied into a pony-tail.


Jurdos has a laid back type of personality. He tends to not take things too seriously and he can laugh at himself. Sometimes, this can get him in trouble with more serious minded people. Jurdos considers himself an adventurer, he joined Starfleet so that he could see the galaxy. He inherited his love of travel from his parents, who would often take him on their excursions when he was young. Because sometimes members of his race tend to be unbalanced or criminals (i.e. Tolian Soren, obsessive, Martus Mazur, con-man) he tends to not divulge his race (or age) to others.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Jurdos can sometimes be impatient with strangers and new acquaintances who want him to "listen," but can be a very good listener and counsellor to close friends. Good at spatial thinking and tactics, though not very ambitious career-wise. Enjoys experiencing different cultures and ways of life, but demands a certain amount of "alone time."

Likes and Dislikes

  • Likes: discovering new planets and cultures, travel, reading a good novel (on a real book, not a PADD)
  • Dislikes: strangers bothering him with their life stories, people who are too self important, crazy or criminal El-Aurians, Cardassian voles


Jurdos was 9 years old when his homeworld was destroyed by the Borg. However, he and his parents were off-world at the time, traveling.


In 2313 Jurdos and his brothers Cyros and Termain booked passage on Cardassian military freighter bound for Cardassia Prime. En route the freighter was attacked by a pirate ship. Due to his quick thinking, Jurdos and his brothers were able to detonate the uridium ore the ship was hauling as the pirates were about to board. The pirate ship was destroyed, but so was the ore the ship's commander, Gul Zalon Mor'hel, was hauling.

In 2373, Jurdos was visiting Cardassia Prime, taking in the sights, the famous architecture, Lakarian City, when the Klingons attacked the Cardassian Union. For a short while Jurdos was trapped on Cardassia and was even arrested as a possible spy. He was only released after it was discovered that he wasn't a Federation citizen by birth and wasn't even human.


Jurdos joined Starfleet to travel and see the galaxy, just as he and his parents had once did. He decided early on that his rank and position were unimportant, as long as he was assigned to an exploration vessel of some sort. He joined Starfleet in 2377, two years after the end of the Dominion War. While at the Academy it was discovered that he had a good grasp of tactics and tactical situations. This was partly due to good spacial reasoning, organization skills, and possibly partly because of his race. It was recommended, at first, that he should become a ship's councillor, but he resisted this suggestion due to his hesitation to be a "listener" to anyone but his friends, and his lack of interest in psychology.

Starbase 11

After graduation, in 2381 Jurdos was assigned to Starbase 11 as a member of the security forces there. He also helped coordinate fleet movements and war games as part of his tactical duties. After two years, Jurdos asked for re-assignment and was sent to Earth to await his true dream job - assignment aboard a starship.

USS Excalibur

In 2383, Jurdos was assigned to the starship USS Excalibur NCC-66702-B as Chief Security Tactical Officer and a promotion to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade.)

USS Excalibur Again

After the destruction of the Excalibur-B, Jurdos joined most of the crew in being assigned to the newly commissioned USS Excalibur NCC-91363. He was given the position of second officer on top of his chief of sec/tac position and a promotion to the rank of lieutenant.

In 2384, the Excalibur was recalled from the Gamma Quadrant to help defend the Bajor Sector from the Borg.

USS Helios and the Battle of Sol

After the destruction of the Defiant class USS Excalibur, Jurdos was assigned to the USS Helios as executive officer. In 2398 the Helios took part in the Battle of Sol. She fought in various skirmishes during the five day battle, falling back to rearm or to give the crew short rests. After the end of the battle, many officers were doubling up on positions due to the loss of many of the crew. Jurdos acted as chief security tactical officer as well as executive officer and led the ship's security forces against three separate Borg boarding attempts.

Starfleet Special Investigations

After the Battle of Sol, Jurdos was recruited into Starfleet Special Investigations. He was recruited specifically for special talents he displayed aboard other Starfleet vessels relating to interrogations and investigations.


Jurdos comes from a large family. Due to their extensive travel habits, normal with El-Aurians, he often doesn't know where most of them are. His eldest sister, Meinan, currently lives in Paris, on Earth.

  • Jimein - older brother (deceased)
  • Meinan - eldest sister
  • Heinar - older brother
  • Cyros - older brother
  • Leinan - older sister (deceased)
  • Allian - older brother
  • Termain - younger brother (deceased)


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