M'karll R'pas

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M'karll R'pas







June 14, 2357








175 lbs.




Lieutenant (Commander?)

First Appearence:

FEF: To Feel the Wind in My Sails



[ Source ]



Before the war M'karll was a loud, boisterous, and jovial individual, ever ready with a quick piratey remark. However, during the war the pilot suffered a number of serious injuries leaving him both physically and mentally scarred. He is now a dark, brooding, depressed shell of the man that he used to be. He tends to keep to himself and to keep others pushed to arm's length, though he's still sociable enough he doesn't let people in past the surface. His fit rep is such a mess, since the War that he will be prevented from ever having a command of his own.


M'karll stands six feet two inches tall and weighs around one hundred seventy-five pounds with green eyes. His build is more bulky and muscular than that of most Caitians. His body is covered in orange fur with black stripes, though his fur is a lighter white over his chest and stomach, and he resembles nothing so much as a walking talking tiger. However, in several ways M'karll is not a typical looking Caitian. While M'karll's core body and right arm remain just as they were the day he was born, several other areas of his body have been replaced by metallic prosthetics. His left arm is completely cybernetic from the shoulder down as is his left leg from the hip down, his right leg from the knee down, most of his tail, and his face from his right ear down to his jawline or to where his nose was including about half his forehead (think of it as a shiney Phantom of the Opera mask, but on a kitty).


(Coming Soon)

Starfleet Record

2377: As the youngest in his family, M'karll was the last to enter Starfleet Academy out of the R'pas children, reporting with the rest of his class to begin classes and instruction in 2377.

2381: M'karll graduated from Starfleet Academy having studied Helm, Navigation, and Small Craft Piloting as his major fields of study.

2381: Reported for first major assignment aboard the USS Enterprise-E, this was a short-lived assignment as M'karll transferred to the USS Horizon where several members of his family were already serving.

2382: With the outbreak of war against the Borg M'karll was transferred to the USS Mahan as the executive officer in one of the fighter squadrons onboard the carrier, the Jolly Rogers.

2385: When the commanding officer of the Jolly Rogers was killed in battl near the C’Hakilian border M'karll was promoted to from the Executive Officer of the Jolly Rogers to the squadron's commanding officer.

2393: The Jolly Rogers were wiped out to a man, save M'karll who was rescued shortly before freezing to death following the Battle of Mindak

2393: M'karll is placed on medical rehabilitation leave, he remains on leave for the next several years.

2399: M'karll is assigned to the USS Howe as Chief Helmsman.


Mother: Father: Brothers: I'zzad R'pas, L'san R'pas, K'ndry R'pas, K'ntwick R'pas, P'rraml R'pas, S'leyvas R'pas Sisters: M'esserri R'pas, V'rravli R'pas
Relatives (with FE involvement): Yolen'da Surridge, M'esserri R'pas Jr., P'erran R'pas, K'rrristina R'pas

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